Three Major Plays
As strong as any oak-tree!
He comes now from Ciudad Real,
The great and glorious victor;
He brings his banners with him
To Fuente Ovejuna!
May he enjoy long life!
All hail Fernán Gómez!
    COMMANDER . People of this town, I duly thank
You for this demonstration of
Your love.

ALONSO . It is but part of what

We feel. But since you are deserving of
Our love, why be surprised by it?
    ESTEBAN . Fuente Ovejuna and its councillors,
Whom you so honour, now request
That you receive the humble offerings
Brought by these carts* in all due modesty,
For they, adorned by leafy boughs,
Contain not costly gifts but much
Goodwill. First, two baskets filled
With polished pots of clay. And then
An entire flock of geese who stretch
Their necks through nets, eager to sing
Of your warlike deeds. Ten salted hogs,
Choice animals, as well as other kinds
Of cured meats whose skins are sweet
As amber-scented gloves. A hundred pairs
Of hens and capons, whose widowed spouses can

Be found in all our neighbouring villages.
They cannot offer arms or horses,
Or bridles edged with pure gold,
And yet your vassals' love is in
Itself the purest gold. And since
I mention 'pure', I promise you that these
Twelve wineskins would, if your troops
But drank from them, give them such strength
That they, though naked in the midst
Of winter, could defend a battlement
Much better than the hardest steel.
For wine can truly give a man
The extra steel he needs. As for
The cheeses and the other smaller gifts,
I'll not describe them; merely say
They are the offerings of all
The love that you deserve. And so,
May they provide good cheer for
Your household and yourself!
    COMMANDER . My heartfelt thanks! Good councillors,
You may depart!
    ALONSO . And you, my lord,
May take your ease. You are most welcome.
If it were possible, we'd turn
The reeds and rushes at your door
To purest pearl, though you deserve
Much better still.
    COMMANDER . I really do
Believe you, gentlemen. God be with you.

ESTEBAN. Singers, come! The song again!

    MUSICIANS [sing]. All hail our great COMMANDER ,
We welcome him most warmly;
He conquers foreign lands for us,
And overcomes our enemies . . .
[They leave

COMMANDER . You two, stay!

LAURENCIA . What's your lordship want

Of us?
    COMMANDER . You were quite cool the other day,
And towards me!
    LAURENCIA . Does he mean you,
    PASCUALA . Me? Oh, don't be silly!
    COMMANDER . I'm talking to you, my pretty creature,
And to your friend. You belong to me,
Do you not?
    PASCUALA . We do, my lord, but not
In the way you mean.
COMMANDER . Step inside.
My men are there. Don't be afraid.
    LAURENCIA . I shall if the magistrates come too.
One of them's my father, but otherwise . . .

    FLORES . Yes, sir?
    COMMANDER . Why aren't they doing what
I say?
    FLORES . Get in there!
    LAURENCIA . Get your hands
Off us!
    FLORES . Come on, you stupid girls!
    PASCUALA . Whoa now!* For you to lock the stable-door?
FLORES . Inside! He wants to show you all

The spoils of war.
    COMMANDER [aside, as he exits]. Ortuño, once
Inside, you'll lock them in.

Get out of our way!
    ORTUÑO . But you are part
Of all his presents.
    PASCUALA . I don't believe it!
Move yourself, or you'll get it!
FLORES . Alright,

They are too excitable.
    LAURENCIA . Your master's had
Enough flesh for today!
    ORTUÑO . It's yours
He fancies most!
    LAURENCIA . Let's hope he chokes!
[They leave
    FLORES . Wait till we give him this good news!
Imagine what he'll say when we
Turn up without them!
    ORTUÑO . That's the way
Things are for those who serve. If you want
To get on, put up with it; otherwise,
Best out of it, and quick!
[They leave

ISABEL . My lord, there must be no delay

In this. Alfonso is well placed
And even now prepares his troops.
Before he strikes at us, it's best
We strike at him. If

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