Annihilation: The Power of a Queen

Free Annihilation: The Power of a Queen by Saxon Andrew, Derek Chiodo

Book: Annihilation: The Power of a Queen by Saxon Andrew, Derek Chiodo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew, Derek Chiodo
happening that caught his attention. The fleet was organizing into three groups. They were going to come in from three different jump points. He had to reorganize his ships quickly. “Kelly, have the Gardner’s report to the briefing room immediately, please.”
    “Aye, Aye, Sir.”
    Tag and Danielle entered the briefing room and Tag said, “What’s up?”
    Kosiev pointed at the monitor and said, “The Alliance fleet is dividing into three groups; two large ones and a smaller third.”
    Tag and Danielle watched the screen and Danielle said, “Those larger ships are all in the smaller group. Do you think that’s significant?”
    Tag looked at Kosiev and asked, “Admiral, if you were going to plan an attack, how would you do it if the previous one lost 2,000 ships?”
    Kosiev thought a moment, and then said, “I would send 2000 ships in to tie down the enemy’s fleet then jump a second group in to attack from a different direction. I suspect they think we will meet them just inside the star drive limit like before which would allow them to jump the second fleet almost on top of us.”
    “But what about the third group,” Danielle asked?
    Tag looked at her and said, “It’s the makeup of that group that gives away its purpose.” Danielle and Kosiev looked at him showing their bewilderment. “Just like their occupation of Ross, if they can take control of the planet, then they can hold our civilians hostage to stop our resistance. It’s the Vgrig killers that are going to do that because that is what drives them. If I’m right, the smaller group will jump first to the other side of the sun from Earth and start moving in system to time their arrival at Earth with the battle at Jupiter’s orbit. I’m sure if they nuke a couple of our largest cities we would get the message. Then it won’t matter who is winning the battle, we would have to surrender.”
    “What are we going to do about it,” Danielle asked?
    “Basically, nothing; we’ll have 450 ships waiting an hour inside the limit and 450 out of our system ready to jump in when called. When the first group reaches our position and the conflict begins, the second Alliance fleet should jump in. They might come earlier once they recognize that they must travel an hour inside the jump limit. Once the second group jumps in, our ships not in our solar system will let them get 40 minutes inside the SD limit and jump in behind them. Our ships are so much faster that we will close on them is less than 10 minutes after we jump. I hope the recording ships come with the first group so the Alliance won’t see our tactics. It’s also important that none of the ships that attack Earth escape. We have to keep our fortresses a secret as long as possible.”
Kosiev pressed a button and said, “Ensign Kelly, get me the Cleveland on a secure channel. I’m going to send the Cleveland to the other side of the sun and have her track any movement in that part of our solar system. She can also disrupt any communications if necessary.”
    “That’s a good idea. I suspect that the Vgrig will be somewhat frustrated trying to get thru our screen around the planet. Once we settle the battle with the first two fleets, half of our ships will jump to the other side of the sun and start moving in on the Vgrig ships from that direction. We’ll be much closer to the Star drive limit and should get back there and jump across the system before they could escape. The remainder of our ships will move in system toward them. That’s the plan unless you have any other suggestions.”
    Kosiev thought and said, “Do we use the fort’s weapons?”
    Tag thought a moment, “Only if they try to fly a suicide ship into it at full speed. I still think the screen would hold; it’s at half power now and has grown to 50 feet thick. But there’s not a good reason to see with so much at risk if I’m wrong. Does this plan meet your approval

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