Razar (The Mating Games series Book 1)

Free Razar (The Mating Games series Book 1) by Catty Diva

Book: Razar (The Mating Games series Book 1) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
as he worked his way to the cusp of her thighs.
    Breathing deeply and enjoying her full rich female scent, his tongue whipped out into her creamy goodness and he savored the small taste he’d gotten. He intended to taste a lot more. Opening her tender folds, he slid his tongue inside tasting and exploring. Her essence exploded on his tongue like the warmest honey and he sank his tongue deep into her channel. It flooded with sweet cream as her body prepared to explode. She locked her legs around his head squeezing as her body bucked and jerked with her release. Razar lapped up all the sweet juice her body released before he climbed up her body sinking his hard shaft deep inside her.
    Relaxed, Lista would come alive again quickly. He would ensure it. Setting an easy pace to start, he aimed for all the pleasure centers she had. His speed and depth increased as he slammed in harder with each stroke. Electricity zipped through him and pleasure was consuming him. All he wanted was for his mate to reach her bliss first. His gums hurt as large hollow incisors erupted from above his regular teeth ready to inject the mating venom into his mate. Now his gums itched with the need to release the mild toxin that would bind his female to him forever.
    His nipples were beaded hard to the point of being painful and his cock ached with need to release its load of seed. Razar’s fingers worked their way to her nubbin and pinched it causing his mate to explode in wave after wave of pleasure. His fangs sank into her releasing all the mating serum into her blood as he filled her with his seed.
    “You are mine always. Majestum cum mardling.” Razar made his claim and sealed it with the ancient words of a long forgotten tongue. It meant mine if the goddess wills it roughly.
    “You are mine too.” Lista said her voice hoarse from screaming her pleasure and his name.
    He waited for the sign that the goddess had blessed their union. It appeared seconds later as a mark showed above his heart. His sweet mate had one too and they were both purple and looked like the face of a wolf. That was the animal that represented his house and family line although on their old world the animal was red. Perhaps the mark was rasin, the darkest purple before black, because the closest animal to a wolf was purple on this world. They might never know for sure.
    His mate, the thought made him smile with happiness. “We will be together always, my love.”
    “What is this tattoo and how did we come to have it?” She looked frightened until he explained his family history and that all his people would have mating marks. Something he should have probably told her beforehand but the excitement had carried him away. Lista accepted his explanation right away.
    Pulling her into his arms he settled her against his chest and they slowly eased into sleep. Nothing seemed to worry him anymore and now his brothers had one less impediment to their own mating. One down, nine to go but he knew his parents would be happy that it was finally finished. Lista didn’t even know that his father was the Prorater of their world. As the oldest son, someday the position would be his. Similar to a king or a president, it was a little like both but yet not either. It was held by being the strongest demon but also because he did his best for the people of their world.
    Razar hadn’t wanted her to know he was considered a prince. He wanted her to choose him, not his position. Now that it was done, he would tell her everything a little at a time. They had chosen each other with no other considerations and he knew she loved him and she knew he loved her. Love was in the air and his brothers would find it too, he just knew they would.
    “Razar, come quick!” Lista screeched as she looked outside.
    “Calm down my love. What are you looking at?” Razar asked calmly.
    “It’s the purple wolf from the cave.”
    “Really?” Razar asked with interest. The wolf had been

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