Just Another Job
Johnykin's heroics in as great of detail
as possible when Frank showed up. Frank was smiling, overly happy.
Chris still labored with his writing. He wanted it to be as
memorable as yesterday was.
    “Hey,” said Chris.
    “‘Hey?’ Hey yourself.”
    Frank glared across the desk then pulled the
cord out of Chris's monitor.
    “What the hell?” said Chris. “I was working.
I hadn't saved it in a while.”
    “It's just the monitor. You never pay
    Chris plugged the cord back in and looked
around Frank's desk for something to upset.
    “Bring it,” said Frank.
    Chris still couldn't find anything good to
do to get back at Frank, so Chris copied Frank and pulled the
monitor plug out of his computer.
    “My computer's not even on,” said Frank and
laughed. Chris tried to put his eyes on the keyboard to begin
working again. Frank got up from his chair, stepped around to
Chris's side of the desk, knocked the keyboard onto the ground, and
sat on his desk.
    “Come on!” said Chris.
    “Erik upgraded me. He mentioned it was
already a plan to bring me in. But I still went in there and told
his little pansy ass that I’m the best choice he’s got. We’re going
to get uniforms. They better look awesome. Oh yeah. You’re
officially Johnykin's sidekick. I thought you'd like that. I'm
working with Klaus.”
    “You mean, be Klaus's sidekick?”
    “Fuck that. I'm his partner. He might be my
sidekick once we get going.”
    “You're ridiculous, man. Are you going to
give yourself super powers next ? I recommend super-humility.”
Chris picked up his keyboard as Frank got off his desk. 
    “Sure. And you will be granted
super-testosterone, so you can finally grow into a man,” said
    Chris continued the matching of wits.
“Super-hair dyeing skills.”
    “Super-shitty beer drinker.”
    “Super-ambulance driver.”
    “Super-inappropriate use of company
    “Alright, alright,” said Frank, bowing to
the winner.
    “Anything else you managed to get out of
Erik I should know of?” asked Chris.
    “He has an engineer that’s gonna start
developing specific tools and shit we can take in the field.”
    “Like Alfred?”
    “Alfred was a butler. He didn’t make
anything. You’re thinking of Q from James Bond.”
    “Alfred made… Batman’s bed. Where are we
supposed to be going? The hospital was like a charity thing.”
    “Erik was given orders to start sending
Klaus and Johnykin out on patrol. He wanted to do more testing, but
his boss thinks they’re ready to go.”
    “What? Are we working for the military?”
    “The government dumb ass. So kind of,
    Chris stared at Frank. “What the hell did
you sign me up for?”
    Frank stared back. “You started this
yesterday by saving that girl. Don't give me that shit that I made
you do anything.”
    Chris spun his chair away from Frank as if
to talk to himself. “Sadie is already pissed at me. She's going to
be furious when she hears we have to go out on patrol. What does
that mean; patrol? I’m not ready to do this every day. I thought it
would be like once a month or something.”
    “You proved yourself, already. I can’t
believe I’m saying this, but I’m the one not ready. I want to do
this, but I’ve got to prove I can.” Frank turned back to his desk
and sat down. He turned the computer on and clicked his way through
the internet.
    Lunchtime came and neither Erik nor anyone
else came over to check on Chris and Frank. They went out for
sandwiches and on the way back Frank brought up another perk of
their new titles, getting access to the Fun Room at any time. Frank
suggested they get in a workout since it had been a while for both
of them, but as soon as they stepped back in to the lab Erik popped
    “That was a long lunch,” said Erik. “I hope
it wasn't anything too heavy. Head over to the Fun Room. Walt is
waiting for you.”
    “Tally Ho, Field Master,” said Frank, and

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