Finding Forever

Free Finding Forever by Michele Shriver

Book: Finding Forever by Michele Shriver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Shriver
squinted to make out the title on the case. It was a low-budget zombie movie, and perfectly awful, except for the first fifteen minutes. “Then I have one of the five.” She tried to keep her tone casual, but wondered what must be going through his head after discovering she had his movie in her collection.
    “You’re really something.” Jake put the DVD back on the shelf before joining her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she put salad in bowls. “That looks great.”
    “I’m sorry I can’t offer you a glass of wine to go with it,” Jordan said, feeling a little self-conscious. With Carl, she never had to worry about things like that, but Jake was probably accustomed to having a drink with dinner. She got a pitcher of lemonade out if the refrigerator instead. “This’ll have to do.”
    “It’s fine,” Jake assured her. He opened one of the cupboards, seemingly at ease in her kitchen, and got out two glasses. “Do you ever miss it?” he asked. “Wine, or anything else?”
    “Sometimes,” Jordan admitted. She poured the lemonade. “On a hot day like today, with a salad, I think a glass of white wine would be perfect, and I wish I could have one. But I also know I wouldn’t be able to stop at one, or even two.” She envied people who could, but long ago learned she was wired differently. Some people controlled their drinking, but if Jordan took a drink, the alcohol would control her. “Let’s go sit on the couch and watch that movie,” she said, anxious to change the subject. “It’s one of my favorites.”
    “You can turn it off now, if you want,” Jordan declared after Jake’s character met his demise. “The rest of the movie pretty much sucks.”
    Jake laughed. “The whole movie pretty much sucks.” He’d never actually watched Zombie Runners in its entirety, but had read the script and knew it was awful. Still, he’d been paid fairly well for his fifteen minutes of screen time, which included a gory death. No one was surprised when the movie went directly to video, and he figured since so few people saw the movie, it wouldn’t do any lasting harm to his career.
    He wasn’t quite sure what to make of Jordan having the DVD. Then again, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of Jordan in general. He simply knew she fascinated him, and the more time he spent with her, the more the fascination grew. “I can’t believe you actually have this. And watch it.” Jake knew his mother also owned the DVD, but never watched it. She said she didn’t want to watch him die on screen. Maybe that was it. “Do you like watching me die, or something?” he teased.
    “As if.” Jordan jabbed him playfully in the arm. “I like to support the careers of my former clients.”
    Jake thought about that. Maybe it was true, but he doubted her movie collection was filled with the forgettable films of all her former clients. No. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, Jordan knew there was a connection between them, too.
    “I’ll clear these dishes.” She started to get up.
    He reached for her arm to stop her. “They’ll wait.”
    “Don’t tell me you actually want to watch the rest of the movie.”
    “No.” Jake laughed. “Definitely not.” He reached out and touched her chin. “I want to do something I’ve wanted to do since the first day I got here.”
    “Oh?” Jordan arched an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
    He answered her by closing his mouth on hers. Her lips were soft and warm, and after a second, inviting, as she opened them to let him in. His tongue sought hers, exploring, the feel and taste of her so refreshing, yet so familiar. Jake remembered fondly the things she could do with her mouth and judging from the stirring in his groin, his brain wasn’t the only part of him that remembered.
    Jordan obviously sensed it, because her face broke out in teasing grin. “It’s nice to know I can still turn you on.”
    As if there was ever any doubt? Jake wanted her. He’d

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