Rebel Pax (Shifters of the Primus Book 2)

Free Rebel Pax (Shifters of the Primus Book 2) by Elyssa Ebbott

Book: Rebel Pax (Shifters of the Primus Book 2) by Elyssa Ebbott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elyssa Ebbott
    “You make it sound like it’s a siege.”
    “It may indeed be a siege. When I abdicated my throne, many likely squabbled to take my position. I will be an immediate threat to whoever won—a challenge to their legitimacy.”
    “Why does it always sound like your plan is to rush into unbeatable odds and get yourself killed?”
    I pause, realizing there is some truth to what she says. Pride is paramount among the Primus, but even Primus have no desire to die if it is not needed. Yet even after I claim to have put aside my shame in order to protect this female, I fear she speaks truly. It seems as if I still seek death, if only for another reason. Is that really what I desire? To die?
    I realize I haven’t spoken, and in my silence have betrayed more than words alone could have.
    “Why?” she asks. “If you die. . . What will happen to me? To your baby?” she asks, hands rubbing her flat belly.
    “Baby?” I ask, heart racing. “Surely you cannot know so soon.”
    “No. . . I don’t know . But I feel . I can’t explain it. But I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. I think it’s a boy, too.”
    I pull Mira into a tight embrace, not wanting her to see the foolish smile on my face. I quickly smooth my features and let her go. “Even if there is not a child inside you, I will live on so that we can keep trying. And. . . So I can be here for you and the child when he does come.”
    She hugs me tightly. “Don’t you ever leave me.” The fierceness of her words makes me smile again, as if this small female will bring violence upon me if I try.
    “You are mine and I am yours. I will protect you.” Then, somewhat awkwardly I add. “But I will be careful about it.”
    She laughs. “Good. So you can be trained.”
    I smirk. “Is that what you think? I am some wild animal to be broken in and ridden?”
    She blushes deeply, though I only meant to tease her. “Pax. . . No. I didn’t mean it like that. I mean, at first, maybe that’s what I thought, but. . .”
    My eyebrows lower in anger. “At first? Explain,” is all I can say through clenched teeth.
    “I mean, before I knew you. Yeah, in some way I guess I was hoping I could, I don’t know, teach you to be less violent so you could help me. But it wasn’t as bad as it sounds, I felt terrible and I had real feelings for—”
    I cut her off, her words digging sharp lines of pain into me. I want to walk away and calm down before I say something I will not be able to take back, but I cannot leave Mira alone in the jungles of Markul. I grab her wrist and pull her along behind me, willing myself not to speak. I know this anger will pass. I know it is nothing in comparison to the adversity I have faced and defeated. Yet in this moment, I feel like a volcano on the verge of eruption.
    I calm myself, pushing down the beast within me that nearly rises in that moment. I look down at my fists where my nails have shifted into the sharp points of panther claws. My body tenses and I yell through gritted teeth, roaring defiance into the evening air. I bash a fist against the ground, fighting against the beast that threatens to consume me.
    I feel small hands on my back. A voice whispers to me, muffled as though I am hearing it through thick walls.
    “. . .I am here,” she says.
    Distantly I can feel the heat of her breath against my cheek as she speaks in my ear. Does she not know how much danger she is in? If I give myself over to the beast. . . Even I might not be able to stop it from harming her. The panther within me fights and gnashes at my mind.
    My eyes roll back in my head and my world goes black.


    P ax falls hard to the ground. His body twitches and his eyes are rolled back until only the whites show. He powerful body is convulsing and he groans through gritted teeth. I clutch at him, crying for him to come back to me and to be okay. I don’t know what to do.
    I realize that the only hope I have of saving him is finding a

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