Take Three

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Book: Take Three by Karen Kingsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Kingsbury
Tags: Fiction
    “About the movie?”
    “He didn’t say.” Kelly didn’t sound too concerned about the message. “I’m so proud of you, Chase. I love you so much.”
    Again Chase felt sick about what could’ve happened. He swallowed hard. “I love you too, baby. I can’t wait to see you.”
    “This is just the beginning.”
    “Exactly.” The beginning of what? Chase wondered. A sick feeling wrapped its arms around him. “I miss you.”
    “You too. It’s so good to hear your voice.”
    As the call ended, Chase set the phone down on the end table and stared at the plain beige wall across from him. If this was the beginning, then did that mean he’d face a life of temptation and terrible guilt? Years of being away from home and spending long days on the road? He felt weary and lifeless, and more than anything he wanted to be home with Kelly and the girls. He remembered the email, and he stood slowly, like a man twice his age.
    Why would Pastor Hastings email him? The man was in his seventies, a respected teacher known throughout the area for his wisdom and Bible knowledge. Their church was made up of several leaders and thousands of members, but Chase doubted the main pastor had a clue about the movie industry or what Chase was working on. He opened his Mac, waited the few seconds while it sprang to life, and opened his mailbox. The email from the pastor was near the top. The subject line read “Opportunity.”
    Had the pastor come across local investors? Chase clicked the email open and saw that it was brief. Only a few lines. He narrowed his eyes, confused, and began reading.
Dear Chase,
    I want to make you aware of a recent opportunity. Our youth pastor has unexpectedly moved back to New Jersey because of a family crisis. Our team met this morning and prayed about a replacement candidate, and your name quickly rose to the top of our list. We are aware of your previous experience and your education in ministry. I understand that your new ventures have taken you away much of the time. Therefore, this may not be something you’re interested in pursuing. But then again, it might bring you closer to home and the role of raising your young daughters.
    Please do not feel pressured to take the position. Either way our team would appreciate a response at your soonest convenience. Until then we are praying for your thoughtful consideration.
    Because of Him,
    Pastor Joseph Hastings
    Chase stared at the email and then read it over again three times. If he thought he was dreaming before, this was the clincher. Pastor Hastings was asking him to be youth pastor at their church? A youth pastor, when already Chase had committed to making movies, to producing and directing? Did no one at the church know how much success they were having in Hollywood?
    The email was still shouting at him, so Chase closed it and shut down his computer. Why in the world would his name rise to the top of the list of candidates capable of leading the church’s youth? Sure he was trained in ministry, and he’d served as an ordained pastor on the mission fields. But still…a youth pastor? He thought back, remembering a decade ago before filmmaking became a part of his life. For a brief season his dream had been youth ministry. But Pastor Hastings couldn’t have known that.
    Chase dismissed the thought and turned his heart once more to the Lord. God, I have no idea why Pastor Hastings sent me that email, but help me turn him down gently. In the meantime, I need an answer about the future, God. Chase rolled onto his back, restless. He sighed out loud, grabbed a pillow, and pulled it to his chest. He needed a way to handle times like tonight, a stronger spirit, a greater resolve. Whatever it took so he could survive this season of filmmaking and still come out the man he was before this crazy ride started. He stared at the ceiling, restless and unsure. God had given him a warning tonight. Now Chase could only believe that if God had helped him

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