found what he thought might be a suitable replacement for Audrey. This was after she finally approached him and told him things about Harley; things Richard absolutely refused to believe. She told him about Harley’s mean streak and how he had taunted Brewster.
“Mr. Ames, Harley isn’t normal, there’s something wrong with him. I think he wants to hurt other living things, all living things. He frightens me.”
Audrey was immediately given a month’s severance pay and a stern warning if she ever repeated such nonsense again he would make her sorry.
One of Richards’s business associates knew someone that would be able to run the Ames household. Abigail Carrier had teaching experience as well as a degree in nursing. Harley liked Abigail as much as he could possibly like anyone, she played games with him and read to him and didn’t strike him as one of the REAL people that wanted to harm him. She was kind and gentle to Meredith. All things were good in the Ames residence. Abigail had arrived.
Harley attended a private school after it was decided public schools were simply not for him. It was clear to everyone that he was a very special student. He excelled at everything. Other children avoided him and he even intimidated his teachers. How could he not—he was smarter than those who were tasked with educating him. Harley knew things his teachers would never comprehend.
Private school was a little better but only because Harley understood the situation. It was time for him to dumb down and let the others think he was actually learning things; it would take the pressure off him. He figured if he could hold on for a little longer the immediate threat could be dealt with: Mrs. Three of Clubs and her husband, Mr. Four of Clubs. Harley even made friends at Orchard Hall, a highly prestigious private school in upstate New York.
Richard Nixon and the Three of Clubs
H arley was seven years old. The year before, President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon nearly ran the tables on their Democratic opponents Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver. What were those seven crazy southern states even thinking…who votes against a war hero? Certainly not Harley’s dad Richard. He even contributed to the president’s reelection efforts; he donated a lot!
Even Abigail voted for Ike. She only did so because Mamie Eisenhower was dubbed as “Hostess in Chief” and that appealed to Abigail. It was even rumored that Mamie sent birthday cards and gifts to the White House domestic staff. Mamie efficiently ran the household just like Abigail ran the Ames household.
Harley understood politics and world issues on all levels but was very careful not to share his views; he figured just about anyone could play golf and win wars, so being president probably wasn’t all that hard. He was more taken with the Vice President. When he looked in Nixon’s eyes he saw things that others didn’t. Evil things. Harley thought a Nixon presidency might be entertaining, at least for him if nothing else.
He only returned home for some weekends and the usual holiday breaks and summer vacation. It was clear to Abigail and even Richard that Harley was changing; he seemed a little different, a little more normal. Richard was certain Harley had grown out of whatever it was that made him seem unusual. Abigail would always be cautious. Meredith no longer thought of Harley as her son; she did think of Clifford nearly every day. There were times when the Three of Clubs came to mind, but she wasn’t sure exactly why.
The Ames apartment was decorated by Abigail for Christmas and it was delightful to look at. She made sure there were two Christmas trees, and both were stunning. Christmas cards were taped around the large archway in the living room. Most of the cards were from Richard’s business associates. Elvis Presley was singing, “I’ll be Home for Christmas” on the radio. The tree had plenty of presents under it and Santa hadn’t