Groovin' 'n Waikiki

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Book: Groovin' 'n Waikiki by Dee Dawning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Dawning
orgasm seemed to precipitate Kino’s climax. “Ohhh oh! I’m gonna to come, too.” Convulsing mindlessly, he lost his balance and tumbled into the water. They both came up laughing wildly. “Well, that cut my orgasm short.” He took her in his arms. They embraced and stopped laughing long enough to kiss passionately. “Luckily there’s more where that came from.”
    Afterward, they got out of the pool, grabbed something to drink and lay together in a double chaise lounge. She couldn’t get over the view. “It is so lovely and peaceful here. No wonder so many people love Hawaii.”
    “ I know. I feel blessed living here.”
    She tittered, “I’m afraid my hair will be a fright when we dress up.”
    “ You’re hair looks fine. I want to get plenty of snapshots of you,” he laughed, “ dressed. I’ll roast a rack of lamb for two, open a couple of bottles of Beaujolais, we could dance. Get naked and watch the sunset from the spa and end the night in bed, making beautiful love.”
    “ Oh, Kino, that sounds wonderful.”
    * * * *
    And it was wonderful—a night she’ll remember with fondness for the rest of her life. There’s something wickedly licentious about getting all dressed up and then wantonly discarding your clothing to have hot, uninhibited sex.
    But that was then, and the next morning was hectic.
    Though they hadn’t fallen asleep until almost one a.m. , she woke at six thirty. Her flight left at eleven thirty A . m. , and Jessie and she had to be at the airport by at least ten. It was a good thing she’d gotten up since she still had to go to the hotel, get Jessie, pack and drive to the airport. She still had some leeway so she delayed waking Kino until the last minute. She glanced at him and sighed. She would miss him. He suggested she spend her vacations with him. She didn’t say yes, but she didn’t say no, either. Instead, they exchanged email addresses and agreed to keep in touch.
    She waltzed into the bathroom for a shower. She brushed her teeth with a fresh, out-of-the-package toothbrush she kept in her oversized handbag for just such an occasion.
    By the time she dressed in the shorts and blouse she’d originally worn, it was seven thirty. she didn’t have to be at the airport for two and a half more hours, but she wanted to be at the hotel by at least eight thirty and it was probably a half hour to the hotel. She needed to wake up Kino. She kissed him on the lips. He mumbled but didn’t wake. She shook his shoulder and, still not waking, shook him harder. Nothing .
    No wonder he didn’t wake up that morning he came in her—he slept like a log. With time short and needing to wake him, she took a half-empty bottle of water from the nightstand and poured a couple ounces over his face. That got him, as he shot up in sitting position, his fists bared. “What the f—”
    She kept her laughter inside as she ran fingers gently across his forehead and cheeks to sooth him. “Sorry, I have to be at the hotel in less than an hour and you weren’t budging. You need to get dressed and take me there.”
    “ You’re right.” He wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her face down for a ‘good morning, I want to bury my cock inside you’ kiss.
    She rose. “No! As much as I’d like to, I’m not going to screw up my plans for a quickie.”
    * * * *
    Twenty minutes later, they were in Kino’s Jeep on the way to the Outrigger Waikiki. She enjoyed the view and the lovely Hawaiian day. Down from the hillside, she rested a hand on his jean-covered knee. “You live in that house, don’t you?”
    He didn’t answer. She didn’t think he heard her, then he said, “I’m the caretaker. I live there when the owner is away, which is most of the time.”
    Her brow dipped. “And when the owner is there, you’re schtupping her.”
    His frown matched mine and then some. He shook his head and took his time answering, as if measuring his response. “It’s part of the caretaking. I do all right

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