A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Rachel Clark

Book: A Desconian Marriage of Convenience (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Rachel Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Clark
Tags: Romance
away it was probably a good thing. Unless the proposed changes to the immigration laws were defeated—and it seemed very unlikely that they would be—Jenelle, Baylen, Jax, and Tosh would somehow need to convince everyone watching the ceremony that they were deeply in love. She had a feeling that there would likely be harsh penalties if someone discovered their “convenient” timing—especially if her infertility was ever to become common knowledge. The last thing she wanted to do was get any of them in trouble.
    “Bay?” she asked, not really sure how to phrase what was on her mind. In the end she settled for simple and direct. “Would you kiss me?”
    He looked surprised but quite pleased as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. “It would be my pleasure,” he said a moment before he lowered his head and brushed his lips against her own. It was rather nice. She sighed softly as a feeling of contentment wound through her mind. Baylen lifted his head, watched her a moment, and then dipped lower to press his lips against hers again.
    But this time he pressed a little harder, his tongue caressing her lips as he pulled her just a little bit closer. Again he lifted to look at her face. “Okay?” he asked.
    “Yes,” she whispered in a voice gone husky. What the hell?
    Baylen smiled, his hand sliding higher up her back, pressing her closer to him. She licked her lips this time as he lowered his head, his soft groan setting off tingles in her belly. He brushed his tongue against her lips again, gently pushing past her teeth and into her mouth. She moaned softly, the strange kiss oddly appealing.
    “That is a beautiful sight to come home to,” Jax said behind her.
    She almost fell over trying to escape Baylen’s embrace. What the hell had she been thinking? Baylen was married to two wonderful guys. Her planned marriage was one of convenience. She shouldn’t be kissing anybody.
    “Hey, don’t stop,” Tosh said as he stepped up behind her, essentially trapping her between his hard body and Baylen’s. She gasped, unsure why she couldn’t seem to take a full breath—they weren’t that close. Surprisingly she wasn’t scared, actually felt quite safe between these two men, but oh heavens, they were both all muscle. Why on Descon would she notice that now?
    Baylen smiled, his hand trailing down the long piece of hair beside her face. “It’s okay, sweetie. Jax and Tosh want me to kiss you.”
    “And,” Tosh said, punctuating his words with soft kisses against her shoulder, “we plan to kiss you when he’s done.”
    “But…” She managed to glance in Jax’s direction, but he didn’t seem to be upset that his husbands had their lower bodies pressed hard up against her.
    “No buts, baby girl,” Jax said as he moved to a position where she could see his face clearly. “We’re going to make love to you. Consider it an ‘undressed’ rehearsal for our mubella claiming ceremony.”
    “Are you sure?” she asked nervously. “The law might not get changed.”
    “Doesn’t matter,” Tosh said, his hands skimming slowly up each side of her waist. “We plan to claim you anyway.”
    She tried to hide the pleasure that thought gave her. She knew it was just pretend. She knew they were just protecting her from a law that could see her thrown off yet another planet. She absolutely knew that they didn’t love her, no matter what they called what was about to happen. But she couldn’t deny herself the pleasure she felt inside.
    Baylen leaned forward to kiss her again, this time his tongue pushing into her mouth over and over, mimicking what they planned to do. Tosh moved his hands, cupping her breasts gently as his thumbs played over her nipples. She was almost embarrassed by the stiff, beaded peaks—it wasn’t actually cold in here—but the slow touch felt so incredible she couldn’t find the energy to worry. Amazingly it felt even more incredible as the nipples pulled tighter.

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