My Libertine (Trio Book 2)

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Book: My Libertine (Trio Book 2) by Joy Blood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Blood
you?” I hear him mumble to himself, probably not for my ears to hear. He shakes his head and turns away from me. “I'm going to go and get changed. You ready to go when the little man wakes up?” he asks not turning back to look my way.
    “Yes, I am. I will go get changed too. Thank you for coming here today Row.” He grunts in response and walks out of the kitchen, leaving me there.
    I finish my cup of water and set it in the sink then go to Linn’s room to change finding my little guy laying there staring up at me. “Hey, baby boy. Did you have a good nap?” I ask him shutting the door behind me. I go about stripping off my wet swimsuit and putting my clothes back on. “I don't know what to do Karter,” I confess to my baby boy. “On one hand, I'm crazy about the guy and on the other, I want to run away screaming. What do you think I should do?” I ask him. I get bubbles in response, him blowing bubbles that is. “He would make a great dad, wouldn't he? Even if he is a slut.” I laugh at that part. “Such a handsome slut.” I get more cooing in response and pick him up. “It is just me and you though isn't it? And that is okay because I love you more than anything.” I kiss my boy on the forehead and leave to go say goodbye to my friends. Our family.

    On the way home from Linn’s the truck is silent. Neither one of us wanting to bring up what happened, whatever it was. When we pull up into the parking lot outside the apartment he doesn't get out. I give him a questioning look.
    “Got somewhere to be.” He grunts out not even looking my way. Really the guy owes me nothing.
    “Alright see you tomorrow then,” I say quietly. Getting out and then grabbing Karter from the back seat. “Bye,” I say so softly I don't even hear myself.
    I feed Karter and put him to bed. Going out to sit on the couch and watch some TV. Flipping it onto Netflix, don't judge me I'm a single mother Netflix is by best friend, the first thing I see is the continue watching section. That damned zombie show is there. Against my better judgment, I hit select and continue where Row and I left off. Three episodes in and a lot of blanket clutching, I hear someone at the door. Then Row walks in, looking stunned to see me sitting on the couch watching this particular show.
    “Being brave tonight?” he asks, closing the door behind him.
    “You’re home early,” I state and press pause. I inwardly berate myself for saying home. He doesn't seem to care or notice, though.
    “Yep, shit didn't pan out.” He is rummaging around in the fridge for something, settling on a bottle of water he comes over to the living room and sits in the chair next to the couch.
    “Too bad.” I point the remote again and press play. We sit quietly watching the show and before I know it we are in the middle of season two and I am hooked. Looking over at Row I see his eyes are on me. I quickly look away as if I have been caught doing something, then look back to see he still hasn't stopped his gaze.
    “What?” I ask, looking away again.
    “Nothin.” He shrugs then looks away, only to look back again. What the hell is going on?
    “Row what are you look at? Do I have something on my face or what?” I ask wiping at whatever may be on my face.
    “Then what the hell?”
    “Just can't stop seeing you in that bikini.” He grins.
    “You really are a horn dog. You know that?” I say rolling my eyes.
    “Oh, I'm aware. I'm also aware of what you have under them sweats you wear all the time.” He makes a humming noise. “Can’t get it out of my head.”
    “You are weird,” I say and get up off the couch. Need water right now. Getting to the kitchen I go to grab a glass from the cupboard only to find that he has followed me there. Reaching over my head getting the glass for me. He hands it to me and I fill the glass from the spout on the fridge drinking it down quickly. Trying my best to ignore the man that in

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