My Libertine (Trio Book 2)

Free My Libertine (Trio Book 2) by Joy Blood

Book: My Libertine (Trio Book 2) by Joy Blood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Blood
indeed. Fits of laughter erupt all over then out of nowhere Karter lets out his first giggle. My heart melts at the sound.

    For the rest of the party, Row avoids me. That is until we get into the pool. I take off the pink cover up and jump in, getting a cold shock to my body from the water. Karter is asleep in Linn’s room in the playpen she keeps here for him. The baby monitor is set outside next to the pool so if he does wake up we will hear, so far not a peep has been made. All of us are in the massive pool. This thing is huge, I would hate to be the one to clean it when it comes time to take it down.
    “So now that big brother isn't here, what is really going with you and sexy cowboy? He hasn't taken his eyes off of you all day.” Linn asks swimming up to me. She is right about him not taking his eyes off of me. Whenever I look his way he seems to be turning his head away as if trying not to get caught staring. We have a game of pool volleyball going, and well with my and Linn’s athletic skills we are really just in the back talking while the guys play. It really is a sexy sight. Four men in only swim trunks and water dripping all over their bodies. It really doesn't help that each one of these men could be a model. How did we get so lucky?
    “Honestly, nothing. He is really is out every night, we have only spent a handful of hours with each other. Watching TV mostly. I hardly know anything about the guy. He is great with Karter, though.” After the last part is said I add “not that I need a father for him or anything.”
    “Heads up!” one of the guys yells right before I get pegged in the head with the ball. Fuck! Why weren’t we using a beach ball again? The volleyball hits me hard in the temple, and while it is still a softball it still hurts like a bitch.
    Out of the chaos of everyone asking me if I'm okay I hear Row curse and suddenly he is by my side acting like I just took a bullet to the head. “Fuck I'm sorry Dove, shit.” Without even asking me he lifts me up and carts me out of the pool. I'm a little dazed so I don't protest until we are out and he is sitting me on a chair trying to assess my injury.
    “Jesus Row I'm fine, it was a volleyball not a damned rock.” Felt like one, though.
    “You sure? Shit, I was spiking it too. I'm so fucking sorry.”
    “You okay Shane?” Linn yells from the pool. I shoot her a thumbs up and they go back to the game.
    “I'm going to go inside, get a drink,” I say getting off of the chair and leaving Row behind.
    The kitchen is all new with the latest appliances, which is ridiculous since neither one of them know how to cook. I swear between the two of them they probably use the microwave more than the stove.
    I remember coming over here for thanksgiving dinner and having to cook everything myself. The house still had the smell of burnt potatoes when we sat down to eat.
    Reaching for a cup I grab my favorite one with ‘I love Seattle’ on it. Really don't know why it is my favorite, just is. Filling it up with water I turn to see Row standing there in the kitchen looking at me, much the same way he was outside Linn’s door earlier.
    “You sure you are okay?”
    “Yes, please stop asking. I'm fine. Promise.” I smile and take a sip of my water. He nods and continues to stare. That is when I look down and realize why. I'm still wet from the pool, not dripping any more, but my black bikini is clinging even tighter to my body. Oh, and there are my nipples, perking up at the mention of Row looking at me. He doesn't come any closer but looks like he wants to.
    “Row…” I start but he shushes me.
    “Please don't say anything Shana. I'm hold’n on here by a thread.” The last word in that sentence is so raspy I barely hear it. I keep my eyes focused on his face not daring a glance downward to where I know he is hard. I can just feel the tension in the air, so thick you could cut it with a knife. “Why does it have to be

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