Woman of Silk and Stone
    The boy-king looked nonplussed, but merely
nodded and gestured for me to precede him to the door. He seemed
pretty relaxed now that we'd settled I wasn't going to be his
consort, whatever that entailed. Hopefully not what I thought it
meant, because by my vague calculations, Tam would be the
equivalent of about a twelve-year old back home. Not exactly kosher
boyfriend material.
    I opened the door and winced at the size of
the crowd waiting, my new pal Efrim prominent among them, looking
expectant. I shot him a dirty look, and managed a wan smile for the
rest of the audience. Tam stood to his full height next to me,
donning his kingly bearing like a burdensome mantle far too heavy
for a boy his age.
    He glanced around until he caught sight of a
short, willowy girl who couldn't have been much older than him. Her
dress was less ornate than that of most of the crowd and she looked
uncomfortable hovering on the fringes. With an engaging smile, Tam
gestured for her to come forth. Sea-green eyes widening anxiously,
she stepped towards us, her entire body quivering like a bow pulled
    "Yes, Bright One?" she stuttered, addressing
Tam while keeping her eyes fixed on the floor. When he answered, I
assumed "bright one" must be something like "your highness." Filing
away that little tidbit, I looked the girl over more intently.
    She was small and slender, not yet grown
into a woman's body, her wrists fragile and delicate beneath the
heavy draping of her gown. While not as beautifully embellished as
some of the others, it was made of good quality fabric, sturdy and
well-fitted, like shantung silk. The turquoise color accented her
unusual eyes and pale blond hair, and set off the now familiar
golden-tan skin that seemed to be the norm here. Despite her
obvious trepidation, her face held a sweet expression, and I
couldn't help but notice the similarities in features when she
glanced up at Tam.
    Perhaps a cousin? A childhood playmate?
    "Hili, of the House of Kishar, I appoint you
as advisor to Honey Sullivan of Earth. You are to educate her in
the customs of Solis and be her devoted companion." Tam glanced at
me and I nodded my approval, grateful that he was sending this
amiable-looking girl to help me rather than whatever devious cow
Efrim probably would have picked.
    "Bright One, perhaps someone more
experienced would be more appropriate," Efrim started, but I
quickly interceded, watching the uncertainty wash over Tam.
    "Oh, I think Hili and I will get on just
fine. But thank you, Efrim, for your selfless concern. I look
forward to the many discussions we will no doubt have as I advise
his high...er, Bright One in matters as I did back on my world. I
feel certain my age and experience will be useful in that capacity." I drilled
the villainous looking advisor with a deadly glare, hoping I got my
message across and there would be no more talk of cradle-robbing in
the future.
    He matched my glare for a moment, and I
could feel the tension in the room rise to an almost unbearable
level as the crowd waited to see if Efrim would push the matter,
but after a subtle nod in my direction, he turned his corkscrew
smile on the king.
    "As you wish, Ensi Tam. I am certain your judgment is perfect in this case." Efrim
turned and waved a dismissal at the gawking nobles, seemingly
oblivious to the complacent smirks on several faces. Clearly not
everyone was an Efrim fan.
    "Honey Sullivan, we will speak again soon. I
look forward to educating you in the ways of the court," Efrim
gritted out, a saccharine smile twisting his long, skinny face.
    "And I look forward to discussing my role
here in Solis, Sukkall Efrim. I have no
doubt we will have many things to say to one another." An answering
smile stretched my face and my nerves to the tipping point. With a
final glare of irritation, Efrim swept away down the hall, his
opulent robes trailing behind him.
    Just like Jafar. Uncanny.
    I could feel Tam relax at my side and in
that moment, despite my

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