And I Am Happy

Free And I Am Happy by R. Cooper

Book: And I Am Happy by R. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. Cooper
metal thumb against his cheek and spent a moment foolishly
marveling at his master’s control that the touch could stay so
    “I am a fool.” His master’s rough voice made
Will stop crying to glare. Of the two of them, Will was the fool
here, and opened his mouth to say so. He was silenced by his
master’s mouth on his, the softest of pressures yet enough to take
his breath. Will clutched weakly at the cravat. He thought he’d
closed his eyes, then thought they were open again, but swore to
nothing. It could not be real, his gentlemen sliding his mouth to
his ear and back to his mouth, giving Will short, careful kisses
that were sweet enough to make Will shiver and arch his neck for
    “Will,” his master breathed against Will’s
throat, his mouth hot, one of his hands cool. Will shuddered and
turned his cheek into that hand. His master frowned and seemed
puzzled when Will only shuddered harder, wracked with pleasure by
one stern look.
    “Have I displeased you, sir?” Will asked him
slowly, desire heavy in his voice. He was not sure at the moment
what answer he would prefer.
    Charlie exhaled. “No.” He was harsh but only
for a moment. His thumb again swept over Will’s skin, brushed his
mouth. Will parted his lips to receive it and drew another startled
whisper from his master. He watched the thoughts crease his
gentleman’s forehead, watched him struggle to breathe though he
could not feel what Will’s mouth was doing to the metal thumb. “No,
but Will you should not. I should not. I will not use
    “You want me.” It was all Will could think.
He slid his mouth away and swallowed the taste of iron. He stared
at Charlie, at his gentleman, in confusion. “If you want me, sir,
use me.” He pulled the cravat pin and tugged loose the cravat
itself until he felt it slide between his fingers, over his wrists.
He put his mouth to the base of his master’s throat, kissed it as
he had dreamed of doing. “If you won’t, then let me use you.” His
thoughts had vanished with the scent of Charlie’s shaving soap and
the taste of his skin. He pressed in, finding buttons and freeing
them with ease. He did not look up, but he did not have to; he
could hear Charlie’s ragged breathing and feel his body tense under
his hands. That was all, aside from his master’s frantic heartbeat.
Will lowered his voice, less certain that he had been a moment
before. “Please, sir, I have waited so long.”
    “ Will .” His gentleman said his name as
no other said it, exhilarated. His master’s hand slid to the back
of his head. It was Will’s only warning. Then his back was to the
desk and he was receiving a fierce kiss. He parted his lips. His
hands came up only to linger on Charlie’s arms, his chest. His moan
was helpless. He was panting in seconds, begging moments after
that, thinking only that he had been mistaken to think his master a
man restrained in his passions. His master took his mouth most
assuredly. He was welcome to the rest of his body.
    Will opened his legs for him and let out a
pleased murmur when his master stepped between them. “Yes, sir,
please.” His lips were buzzing and plump, a temptation it seemed
his master could no longer resist. He pressed Will to the surface
of his desk, pushing aside papers without care, and bent down with
him to keep their mouths together. He kissed hungry. Will held
tightly to him and shivered to find the desk firm against his
backside. “Yes, sir, please,” he begged again. This was everything.
There was a bruising ache at his hip where one of his gentleman’s
hands held him down yet he could not make himself think it anything
other than arousing. He whimpered at the bit of pain and met a
troubled, dark gaze. His master pulled back.
    “You do not have to call me sir,” his
gentleman’s voice rumbled over him. Will opened his mouth and could
not tell if he pulled his master down to him or if his master came
down to kiss him again on his own

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