Deadly Intentions

Free Deadly Intentions by Candice Poarch

Book: Deadly Intentions by Candice Poarch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candice Poarch
done is done. Not a thing we can do about it now,” he said. “So where are you?”
    Silence hung in the air.
    With a frustrated breath, Justin waited for her to tell him. “Look, just give me the bowl and we’ll get the hell out of here. We’ll go to Colorado. We’ll start over. Just you and me, babe.”
    â€œWhat’s to stop you from killing me? I can identify you, too. You got rid of that woman, you could just as easily get rid of me.”
    â€œWhy in hell would I kill you? You’re my partner—I hope for life. Don’t you know by now that I love you? I took this job because I want a better life for us. We can retire off this job,” he entreated. He sighed deeply. “You can’t actually believe I’d kill you.”
    â€œNot the first time partners turned on each other.”
    â€œWe’re more than partners. We love each other. You still love me like I love you, don’t you?”
    â€œThis isn’t about love. You don’t get the person you love in trouble. I know I didn’t feel right about doing this in the first place. How do I know once you get this bowl . . . ?”
    â€œStop talking crazy,” Justin said, beginning to panic. “We can’t keep that bowl. My contact will be all over us.” He tried to sound reasonable, but he couldn’t quite hold it together.
    â€œWho is he?”
    â€œIt’s safer if you don’t know.”
    â€œI thought I was safe with you. You tell me or I’m ending this call right now. No more bullshit. No more secrets.”
    â€œOkay . . . okay. His name is Greg Doyle.”
    â€œHe’s from here?”
    â€œWilliamsburg. About an hour from here. Now, where are you?”
    â€œMaybe we should go to the police. If they knew the truth, maybe—”
    â€œAre you freaking crazy?”
    â€œYou didn’t mean to kill her. Maybe you’ll get off on manslaughter. It’s been nothing but trouble since we got mixed up in this thing.”
    â€œJ-Just give me the damn fake bowl and you’ll be out,” he ripped out impatiently. “I still need it to substitute for the antique.”
    â€œYou’ll kill me, too.”
    Justin gritted his teeth. “I’m not going to kill you. I give you my word. How many times do I have to tell you?”
    â€œHow do I know that man won’t kill us? How do you know anything? I need to think. I’ll call you later.”
    â€œDon’t hang up. Tootsie . . . Toots . . . Damn.” She’d hung up.
    He hit redial, but she wouldn’t pick up.

    Lisa’s sister, Vanetta, arrived at the party a few minutes before Wade Ripley, GM of The Cove Business Center. Vanetta owned The Cove with two other partners. She’d only recently begun working there. Although Vanetta had a business degree, her late husband had controlled the businesses. She was only working two or three days a week there, but it seemed to give her purpose.
    Wade appeared the picture of a true businessman. Smooth and capable. He worked long hours and rarely left Virginia Beach. Lisa was surprised he came to her party.
    â€œI see Dad’s set you up with a date,” Vanetta said, humor dancing in her eyes.
    Lisa moaned. “Just shoot me now. But Charles is kind of nice. Still, I’m not looking.”
    â€œHappy birthday, Lisa,” Wade said. “Has it been good?”
    â€œThe party has been great.”
    Jackie arrived then. “Where’s the birthday girl?” she sang loudly. She squealed when she saw Lisa.
    Vanetta groaned. “Does that girl have to wake the entire neighborhood?” she grumbled. Several of the aunts and uncles frowned at Jackie.
    â€œI’m broke as hell, but I scrounged up enough to get you a little gift.”
    â€œYou didn’t have to, Jackie. I’ve seen a few hard times myself.”
    â€œThat’s all right. I wanted to. God, I need a drink,” she

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