The Palomino Pony Comes Home

Free The Palomino Pony Comes Home by Olivia Tuffin

Book: The Palomino Pony Comes Home by Olivia Tuffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Tuffin
    “Boy, am I glad to see you!” she murmured. The little pony stood stock still, responding to Georgia’s touch. It was amazing to think that just a few weeks ago no one could go near her.
    Melanie came over and patted Lily softly on her muzzle. “You know, I’ve been thinking. Maybe it’s time you had a go at riding her.”
    “Me? Really?” Georgia cried, delighted. “You think she’s ready? You think she might let me?”
    “I don’t see why not,” said Melanie. “She trusts you. You can see that. And that’s a good starting point.”
    Georgia knew that Melanie was probably bringing this up now to make her feel better about everything that had happened at the show, but shewasn’t about to complain.
    “What do you say? Shall we give it a go tomorrow?” Melanie said. “After that, Sophie and I are away for a few days, visiting universities. So you should definitely try her out before then. What do you think?”
    “I think it sounds great!” Georgia grinned.

    The next morning, Georgia bounded out of bed. Melanie’s promise from the day before was still ringing in her ears. Today was the day she was going to try out Lily! What would she be like? Would she be easy to ride? Would her stride be as fluid from above as it looked from below? Dressing quickly in jodhs and her favourite purple T-shirt, Georgia pulled a comb through her tangle of hair and, grabbing a piece of toast, she quickly headed for the door.
    “Bye, Mum!”
    “Bye, Georgia!” her mum called back as the door swung shut behind her.
    Georgia cycled quickly down the quiet lanes and as she made her way up the drive to Redgrove she was pleased to see all three ponies in the paddock grazing quietly together. They made a beautiful trio – the dark, elegant Wilson; Lily, the pretty palomino; and the small Exmoor, Callie, her dun coat gleaming in the early morning light. Georgia sighed. She was so lucky to be allowed to care for these ponies as if they were her own.
    To her surprise, Sophie was out in the yard cleaning Wilson’s tack, which was hanging over the gate. She looked up when she saw Georgia.
    “Hey,” she called in a friendly voice. “You’re going to ride Lily today, aren’t you?”
    “I think so!” Georgia replied, pleased at Sophie’s sudden interest.
    “I think she’s lovely,” Sophie continued.
    The two girls smiled at one other before Georgia went into the tack room to fetch Lily’s head collar.
    As Georgia let herself into the field, the little pony whickered and slowly approached, flanked by Callie, who was bossily protective of her now. Carefully, Georgia placed a head collar on the palomino and then led her into the yard.
    “She’s looking lovely,” Melanie called, appearing from the house clutching a cup of tea. “So are you ready to give it a go?”
    “Yes, I think so!” Georgia replied, feeling terrified and elated at the same time. She really hoped Lily was going to be OK with being ridden.
    “Great!” Melanie said. “Well, I’ve made up a little bridle for her, and the old show saddle should fit her too – at least for now. So let’s try her at a walk to start with, and see how she goes.”
    Very carefully, not wanting to startle her, Georgia tacked Lily up, admiring the way the brownleather looked against her pale coat. She put on her navy riding hat and fastened the chinstrap, and then, very gently, she untied Lily’s lead rope and led her over to the mounting block.
    Melanie held Lily’s head while Georgia carefully eased herself into the saddle. She sat quietly for a moment, hardly daring to breathe, feeling the pony tremble beneath her. “You’re safe now, girl,” she murmured, reaching down and running her hand through the palomino’s cream mane.
    Melanie watched intently, ready to act if Lily panicked. But she didn’t.
    Slowly, sitting as still as a statue, her hands making feather-light contact, Georgia nudged the palomino and she obediently walked forwards. They rode through

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