Surrounded (Unsettled Series Book 2)

Free Surrounded (Unsettled Series Book 2) by S.C. Ellington

Book: Surrounded (Unsettled Series Book 2) by S.C. Ellington Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.C. Ellington
room for Logan either.
    For once, couldn’t I just pick the right guy? Why was I always the one being betrayed?

    The sun crept through my curtains early Sunday morning. I had barely slept the night before—unable to stop my racing mind, still reeling over what happened with Logan. He was having a baby. After what seemed like forever, I finally gave up on trying to sleep through my heartache and turned to look at the clock only to realize it was still too damned early. It would be forever before I would be able to escape back into a sleepy black fog.
    I thought back to last night again. Maybe my running off like that had been a bit melodramatic. Logan had certainly looked confused. But after the fiasco with Damon cheating on me and dumping me when I was pregnant, I swore I’d never be played by a guy again. I didn’t want to have to sit through another lame explanation. If Logan was still carrying on with another woman behind my back—had gotten her pregnant —I could fill in the blanks on my own. Which was the biggest reason I hadn’t confronted Logan last night: I didn’t want to ask questions I wasn’t prepared to hear the answers to. I guess it’s the same reason a lot of women look the other way when their men cheat…they just don’t want to stare the truth in the face. Maybe that made me a coward, but if I could spare my heart just a little bit, I’d take it.
    Hearing Elizabeth Drexel’s friend blab on about how she was pregnant with Logan’s baby…that hurt. Badly
    I wished I wasn’t so affected by the situation. As I lay there, I tried to give myself a mental pep talk.
    You weren’t dating long. If anything, you should be smiling right now. You dodged a bullet. You walked away with the upper hand this time.
    None of those thoughts made me feel better. Men lied. I knew that from experience. But even though I knew all those things, I lied to myself too. I hadn’t really walked away before it was too late. I was in love with Logan and now there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it but wait for the pain to subside.
    I pulled my phone off my nightstand. Great. I’d forgotten about the voicemails I had from Logan. I came so close to answering the phone last night, but I didn’t. I wasn’t ready to deal with the chaos.
    Just then the gurgling noises from my stomach vibrated off the walls. I needed to eat something—especially if I was going to face the badgering I knew Alex probably had planned for me. I figured I could make breakfast for everyone since I hadn’t been home much lately, plus I was pretty sure I owed Alex and Jay some sort of apology. They seemed to be having a good time until things went to hell and I dragged them away from the benefit. Nothing says I’m sorry like food. With any luck, focusing on cooking a meal would help distract me from the fact that Logan and Elizabeth were having a baby. Together. I stretched one last time before getting out of bed and dragging myself down the hall.
    As soon as I made it into the kitchen my eyes landed on the bright orange roses Logan had given me last week. I’d left them in a prized spot on the window sill for me to admire every time I came in and out. Of course, that didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore. The only thing the flowers reminded me of now was how much they’d made me smile yesterday morning.
    I pulled out the carton of eggs, bacon, onions, and potatoes for hash browns and placed them next to the stove top. When I began chopping the onions, my eyes started to burn. Or maybe that was just what I told myself. Mid-slice I heard my phone began to vibrate on the counter.
    “Thank God.” My stinging eyes needed a break. I wiped my hands with a towel before grabbing my phone. Even if I couldn’t count on a man being a part of my life, I could always count on my mom and her earlier-than-absolutely-necessary Sunday morning phone call.
    To my dismay, my mom’s face wasn’t flashing across the screen. Instead, there was

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