Dragon Blood 3: Surety

Free Dragon Blood 3: Surety by Avril Sabine

Book: Dragon Blood 3: Surety by Avril Sabine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Sabine
of them like a treasure. For that is what Gold bloodlines are. A treasure everyone wants. Without it, you can’t rule.”
    “You seem to manage.”
    “No. Not where it matters. Without Gold you can only ever be on the fringes of power. Only Gold can become a Representative or any rank higher.”
    “How would we know they’d treat them right? Doneele’s parents were renegades, no one would want her if they knew.”
    “They won’t know who her ancestors are. You claim her as your own and her past will be irrelevant. And you don’t offer both of them. Only one. Never give more than you need to in a negotiation.”
    “How would we know?” Amber persisted.
    “You could make it part of the conditions. Give them Paili’s egg. She hasn’t any attachment to you and won’t know the difference. Come on Amber, I added in the conditions for you, the least you can do is consider it.”
    “It seems wrong.” She wanted to pace, but there was no room.
    “That’s because you’re looking at it as a human. See it through dragon eyes.”
    “How can I? I am a human.”
    Ronan’s predatory smile appeared. “Are you?”
    Amber pushed that disquieting thought away. “Yes.” Her voice was firm, her gaze steady. “I’m human.”
    “Talk to Rian. He’ll tell you this makes sense.”
    “I’d have to speak to Jay too. And probably Kade.”
    “You don’t need to ask the entire world what they think. Your first warrior and your brother since they’re in his care. That’s more than enough.”
    Amber nearly smiled at the way Ronan spoke the words ‘first warrior’. He’d told Rian he was an idiot not to give up that position now he co-owned land. “Maybe.”
    “It is.” Ronan turned off the tap, stepped forward, grabbed Amber’s wrist and took her through the Void before she had a chance to protest.
    They emerged at the entrance of Temolae Keep, the castle Amber shared with Kade, Flinn, Rian, Crystal and Jasper. “What are we doing here?”
    “Making a decision before too many people know what we’re planning.”
    Jasper stepped out of the Void with Alsandair, who sent Amber a grin and a wink before he disappeared back into the Void. Jasper faced Ronan. “You do know I have other things to do than be at your beck and call.”
    “Alsandair’s working for you again?” Amber asked Ronan.
    Ronan pointed at Jasper. “No you don’t.” His finger moved towards Amber. “Is there something I should know?”
    Amber shook her head. Ronan had been known to kill those who annoyed him. She wasn’t about to risk Alsandair’s life. Not over a misunderstanding. “No. I was just surprised.”
    “Good. Rian will join us in the planning room.” Ronan strode inside.
    Jasper walked beside Amber. “What’s going on?”
    “I saw our grandfather.”
    “What’s he like?”
    “I think you’re right. I’d say he’s a real bastard.”
    “Amber!” Maira ran towards them, throwing her arms around Amber. “What are you doing here? I didn’t believe it when one of the servants said you’d arrived.”
    “I need to speak to Rian.” Amber returned her hug, missing Maira’s vibrant personality. “When are you coming back to Australia?”
    “Soon. These new warriors seem to be working out really well.”
    “We don’t have all day,” Ronan growled.
    Amber held Maira a moment longer before she let her go. “Can you send a message to Kade to let him know where I am and that I shouldn’t be too much longer.”
    “He doesn’t know you’re here?”
    Amber shook her head, about to explain when Ronan grabbed her by the upper arm and marched her along the corridor. “I’ll talk to you later,” she threw over her shoulder. She turned on Ronan. “You can let me go now.”
    “When we’re seated in the planning room.”
    Amber glared at Ronan, sparing a single daggered look for her brother who sniggered from behind her. When they reached the planning room, Rian started to cross the room, stopping when his father let her

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