Save Me
    I've got a tight grip on reality, but I can't let go of what's in front of me here. I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up, leave me with some kind of proof it’s not a dream.
    Jack slides his fingers underneath my chin and tilts my face up to his. I stare into those dark eyes that reflect the slow moving lights of the disco ball like tiny stars in the abyss of space. He presses his mouth to mine, his lips are so plump and his wet tongue ventures into my mouth fully for the first time.
    The kiss lifts me up and I think back to my favorite movie as a kid. I loved Casper and watched it a million times. Claire and I would sit on the floor in front of the TV and watch from start to finish without moving. The scene at the end of the party where Casper kisses Cat and they float up from the floor was what I thought my first kiss would be like. I was sadly disappointed at thirteen when Malcolm Walsh kissed me and all I could taste was the corndog he'd had for lunch and then he stepped on my foot.
    This kiss, though, this kiss is my floating kiss.
    You are the only exception, you are the only exception. You are the only exception, you are the only exception.
    The song ends, but Jack keeps his arms around me and holds the closeness for a second. I can't breathe, but I don't want to.
    Allie finds me again at the table and asks me to go to the bathroom with her, practically insists on it. I grab my clutch and Jack nods as I walk around the table. I look back over my shoulder at him and he smiles at me, the upturn of his mouth and his eyes tell me he’s watching my ass as I walk away from him. There go my panties.
    "Carls, Nick's here,” Allie says as we walk toward the bathroom. “He was asking me where you were and why you won't respond to any of his messages." Nick has texted me every day since I broke it off, but I haven't responded other than the one blow job text. I haven't heard from him today and to be honest, I'd forgotten he even existed.
    "So? Who gives a shit?" I say.
    "He's looking for you, Carly. And you're here. With Jack. Don't you think that could spell trouble?"
    "Why? Nick doesn't want me. He just wants me to be alone so I'll be there for him. It's not gonna happen. Even if Jack and I don't start dating, I'm beyond finished with Nick."
    Allie's eyes are surprisingly serious and I wish she'd just let it go.
    We finally get an open stall, so I hold the door for her as she pees. We check our faces in the mirror as we wash our hands.
    We wiggle through the waiting women at the door, then fingers clench at the flesh of my upper arm and I’m violently yanked back toward the bathroom.
    "Why won’t you talk to me?"
    Nick's breath is positively saturated with vodka. It hits my nose and I have to lean my head away to keep from gagging.
    "Let me go," I say, jerking my arm free with more force than it actually takes. Allie reaches out and pulls me back toward her.
    "Who is he?" Nick raises his voice at me.
    "None of your fucking business," I shout. His blue eyes are narrowed and glassy.
    "Is that why you broke it off with me? So you could go fuck him?"
    "There was nothing to break off with you, Nick. And I don't owe you any explanation about who I fuck. You're just an asshole."
    "And you're just a whore," he yells like a wounded little boy.
    I don't see Jack at first, I just watch as Nick takes a big fist to the face and falls on the bar. People try to jump out of his fall path and beer bottles crash to the floor.
    Jack’s chest isn’t heaving like I expect after Hulking out the way he did. He stands there, his arms slightly raised, his face begging Nick to get up and come at him.
    “ Ugh,” Nick groans, attempting to push himself off the bar. I can see a giant knot forming underneath his already blackening eye. His face is going to hurt tomorrow.
    “ You know you gotta leave now,” Billy calls out from behind the bar. I look to the door and see the bouncers coming to break up the already

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