Defiant Loyalty (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Free Defiant Loyalty (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Sophia Hampton

Book: Defiant Loyalty (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Sophia Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Hampton
side. What if he came home and she was gone? No. She’d said that she wouldn’t do that to him. And there was much work that he had to do. “Why don’t you go ahead? I’m going to stay inside.”
    “What if he comes in?”
    “He can’t. You know that the locks are solid, and I am not going to be stupid enough to let anyone in,” she assured him. “Believe it or not, I do want to stay alive.”
    Chance checked his watch. “I have still got a couple of hours. Simon said he wouldn’t be in before five in the evening.”
    “Why does he want to meet with you anyway?”
    “No idea. He said he will discuss whatever it is with me when he sees me,” he replied, feeling a little distracted as she shifted on her seat. The short dress that she wore skidded up her thighs to reveal creamy, smooth skin. His mouth watered at the sight. Lifting his hand, he put it on her thigh and felt her muscles quiver under his touch.
    As always, arousal was instantaneous.
    Carefully, she switched off the TV and set the remote aside. “I can think of a few ways to make the most of these two hours.”
    He fondled her flesh, enjoying the way it trembled under the pads of his fingers. “Really?”  
    “Oh yes.”
    His fingers crept up her skin until he found her velvety mound. Her panties were already wet. His finger stroked her center through the delicate cloth while his gaze locked with hers. It was erotic and sensuous to watch the expressions flit across her face while he fondled her. He put his palm on her mound and actually felt the quiver of excitement that lanced through her body.
    Removing his hand, he grabbed her hand and tugged her up. When she stood, he beckoned her and made her sit on his lap. “I can never have enough of you.”
    She ran a finger down his cheek. “Nor can I.”
    Her lips captured his in a kiss that was hot and violent. He could feel the need that coiled and looped within her, as she tasted each nook and cranny in his mouth as if it was the last time they would ever make love. Her skin was hot under his, as he put his hands on her thighs to hold her on his lap. The touch of her was enough to drive him over the edge of insanity. His fingers looped under her panties and wriggled them off her hips. She rose up a little without breaking contact with his lips and allowed him to slide them off. After she stepped out of them, she settled on him once more.
    As she kissed him, her tongue mingling with his in an age-old dance, his fingers bushed over her pussy. Sticky juices leaked out and coated his finger. Carefully, he inserted one finger inside her. She threw back her head and groaned while his hands settled on his shoulders and held on. Seeing her lose control made him even hornier. Yet, he wanted to take his time. He slid his finger inside and then brought it out again. Once more he repeated the move, and then again and again as she buckled over him.
    Sweat lined her forehead as she jerked. The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. Within the confines of his jeans, his cock was hard and ached with need. He wanted to pound in her moist depths. He longed to crush his pelvic bone against her while she buckled under him; but first, he wanted to reduce her to a mass of quivering muscles.
    He desired to put his mark on her.
    She was his, only his.
    When his thumb found the sensitive nub within her pussy, her hands clenched on his shoulders. He felt her fingernails burn into his flesh through the shirt that he wore. Eagerly, she lifted his shirt up and jerked it off his head. Her head bent, and she bit the skin on his neck. The sweet bite heightened his desire. He pressed hard on her clit, and the orgasm that rippled through her was wild and stormy.
    Taking out his finger, he held her with both hands on her waist. Her body vibrated from the aftermath of the orgasm. Bending her head, she kissed him once more. Her long, sensuous tongue caressed

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