Passion Never Dies

Free Passion Never Dies by Joy Tremay

Book: Passion Never Dies by Joy Tremay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Tremay
what he was doing.
    “Shh, sweetheart,” Jake interrupted. “I promise you’re going to like this.”
    Once again, Jake bent down and captured her lips, his tongue entwined with hers as his fingers rubbed at her below. He was so turned on that he couldn’t stop kissing her and touching her. Her lips were so soft and her body was so responsive to his touch. He loved the way her tongue tangled eagerly with his and how she was so moist between her legs. His erection became even more uncomfortable as he heard her ragged moan. He pressed himself against her even more as he gently tugged down her bodice and captured one erect nipple in his mouth and sucked. He groaned as she gasped and squirmed against him, his hand getting wetter and wetter below. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded softly as he swallowed her breast and cupped her between her legs.
    “I want you so badly, Diana,” he muttered.
    He felt her reach between their bodies and unzip him. He was so turned on by her bold action that he inserted a finger inside her and felt her shudder in excitement. His manhood felt as if it were going to burst as she writhed against him. He continued to suck on her turgid nipple as he rhythmically pumped his finger in and out of her wet mound. Suddenly, she cried out and felt his finger drench in her wetness. Her orgasm suddenly made him clench to keep himself from coming. He released her nipple and stared into her eyes. She looked dazed and shocked, but she smiled in satisfaction causing him to stroke her one last time between her legs before withdrawing his hand from underneath her skirt.
    “Wow, that was something,” she said, breathless.
    “It surely was. You’re so hot, Diana,” he said as he adjusted himself and zipped up reluctantly. Now was not the time to take her no matter how badly he ached to.
    “I’m overwhelmed,” she confessed, raking her hair back behind her ears. He sensed that she was embarrassed by her behavior, but he bent down to kiss her comfortingly.
    “So am I, sweetheart,” he said. “I should say I’m sorry about what just happened, but I’m not.”
    She looked at him silently for a few seconds, but then smiled.
    “I’m not sorry. This just took me by surprise.”
    “Me too and I promise you that there will be more surprises later. But we’ll take it slow,” he reassured her, although he didn’t know how he was going to slow down with her. His member was so hard it ached and he didn’t know if he could sit through lunch without touching her.
    The car slowed down to a halt in front of a seaside area. They hadn’t even noticed that they had arrived at their destination.
    Diana felt completely shaken and flustered by what just happened between her and Jake. She couldn’t believe that she had just experienced the ultimate pleasure with him a few minutes ago in the car. She knew she had it bad for him, but now she was afraid that she no longer had any control over her wild attraction. She was relieved that there was a divider between the driver and Jake and herself. She was already utterly mortified by her uninhibited behavior.
    “Come,” Jake said, a mischievous glint in his voice as he stood outside the car and held his hand out to her. She recognized the double entendre and placed her hand into his, smiling wryly as he grinned boyishly.
    “You’re looking pleased with yourself,” she said as he led her up the steps to the restaurant, which was perched upon a hilltop overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
    “Well, it’s not every day I can make a girl have a good time on the way to lunch,” he teased.
    “Are you sure?” she asked, feeling insecure all of a sudden. Maybe he did this all the time and she was just one of many who fell for his seductive charms. Jake halted abruptly and lifted her chin. He looked at her seriously and what she saw in his green eyes made her pause.
    “You’re special, Diana. Someone I wouldn’t just play around with. Please believe me,” he said solemnly.

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