worst part was he had no idea what they were training for. They had been stuck together for weeks, leaning on each other to survive, then told to fight each other to the death. He had to kill two because they wouldn't stop fighting him. The training was cruel. If the best of the best had to kill each other off, then this mission was going to be bigger than any of them had ever contemplated could exist.
They were currently on their way to help protect some civilians from pirates. The civilian's ship had gotten attacked when they tried to run and they sent out a distress call. Apparently there was an important diplomat and a high level military official traveling together in that civilian ship. Captain Steele's team needed to find, protect, and try to get information from them for why they were aboard the ship and the information they had on them. Knowing that they were training for something really big, it felt weird to get called out for a real mission.
“Site is one mile out. Prepare for-” The captain of the ship said as the ship was hit by something.
The ship had a major hull breach causing a destabilization of the ship's direction.
“We need to jump now. We need to leave the ship. We'll float there!” Captain Steele yelled as his Combat Suit started to put his helmet up.
“Are you nuts? One mile? We'll never make it under fire. Try to fix the ship's route!” Yelled Dog.
“I'm going. This ship is going to compress if we stay here. I've seen it before. We've been hit with a mine, the hole's too big, ship won't stabilize, so it implodes, tearing the ship in half and shearing anyone who's on it in half before collapsing on them,” Captain Steele said.
Captain Steele stumbled towards the hole as this ship jolted around knowing he needed to time his jump carefully. With the way the ship was spinning he knew he could get hit by it or debris if he didn't time his jump carefully. He waited then jumped. He turned around and saw Runner, Ruthless, Catalyst, Shadow, and Ark Angel jump from the ship. They started towards the last known location of the ship where the mission objective was. He looked back to see Dog attempt to jump from the ship right as the ship compressed and tore in half causing him to be ripped apart violently.
Captain Steele pointed toward the last known location of the mission objective and everyone nodded and headed that way. They all drifted for about 30 minutes, making sure to avoid any mines that were exploding, before coming close to the mission objective. When Captain Steele saw the ship he knew that they were too late. There appeared to be hull breaches and people floating on the outside of the ship. There could be a secure part of the ship where they could be secured safely but it was unlikely. He directed the group to take tactical positions and slowly move in on the ship. He gave an order and they group took out several enemies that were outside the ship silently. The group then descended upon the ship, entering through a hull breach.
They all entered the hull breach and Captain Steele took charge again.
“Runner, Ark Angel, Catalyst, head that way, I'll take everyone else this way. We will spread out until we find them. If they are alive, they will be holed up in a secure part of the ship. Once we find them we will need to figure out an extraction plan. Maintain radio silence unless you come across them. Any questions?” Captain Steele asked.
The group shook their heads no. Captain Steele took Ruthless and Shadow and headed toward the bow of the ship. He knew if the people they need to rescue were alive it was going to be one hell of a struggle to do it.
Naheed Hassan, Sabahat Muhammad