Just Grace Goes Green

Free Just Grace Goes Green by Charise Mericle Harper

Book: Just Grace Goes Green by Charise Mericle Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charise Mericle Harper

    This means it...
    1 contains 100% post-consumer fiber
    2 is certified EcoLogo and processed chlorine-free
    3 is certified FSC recycled
    4 is manufactured using biogas energy
    Using recycled paper instead of regular paper in
Just Grace Goes Green
helps the environment in the following ways:
    1 Saves the equivalent of 17 mature trees
    2 Reduces solid wastes by 1,081 pounds
    3 Reduces the quantity of water used by 10,196 gallons
    4 Reduces air emissions by 2,098 pounds
    5 Reduces natural gas consumption by 2,478 cubic feet by using biogas

    1 Your underpants. Hopefully every day and if you are a girl probably without your mother having to remind you about it one hundred and one times.

    2 Your friends. Sometimes you might think that you have the perfect number of
friends, but then you add a new friend to the list and suddenly you can't believe that it used to be different, because now it seems so just right perfect, and just maybe even better than before.
    3 Your mind. So that if you at first thought one thing, but then some time goes by and now you think another thing, then that's okay.
    1 Your family. Even if sometimes they absolutely and completely drive you crazy, and you can't even believe you are really related to them.
    2 Your messy room. No matter how much you clean it up, the new stuff you bring into

    it always makes it messy again. Though some rooms are more messy than others. Compared to Mimi's room, my room is the castle of clean!
    3 Your name on a teacher's list, even if it is marked in pencil. I know this because I used to be called Grace, but now I'm called Just Grace, and it will probably be that way in my school life forever and ever. Plus, my name is now not even next to the other Graces'!


    Miss Lois is my teacher at school. If her wants and my wants were in a wrestling match, her wants would always win. That's how it goes with teachers and students. And that's why my wants are sitting in the corner feeling sad. It's no fun to always be the loser.

    Even though my wants are the always-losers, I don't hate Miss Lois.
    Miss Lois has been a more fun teacher lately. She used to be boring and serious most of the time, but now she is only those things some of the time. It's a big improvement! I think it's because she saw how much all her students loved Mr. Frank. He was fun 100 percent of the time. Mr. Frank was our student teacher, but he couldn't stay with us forever because he had to go back to school to finish off getting his teacher license. It's like a driver's license, except when you get it you don't get to do something fun like drive a car—you just get to stand in front of a classroom and talk.

    Since Mr. Frank left, Miss Lois has been
trying a lot of new things, and mostly that has been exciting for us. She likes to give out her new ideas on Monday mornings—that way she says we will be excited for the whole rest of the week about a fun, stimulating learning experience.
means that the parts of your brain you use to learn stuff are excited and exploding like mini fireworks. Owen 1 said that Sunni's head was probably going to explode one day, because she is the smartest kid in our class and she really likes learning. Then he started asking her lots of questions so she would use her brain and make it blow up right then and there.

    Sunni just turned around and called him a peon. Of course, Owen 1 didn't know what a peon was—none of us did. She is smart like that, and uses lots of words no one has ever heard of before. But for sure it was not a compliment, and since Owen 1 was being mean and is not one bit smart, I bet it meant something perfectly awful. I was definitely going to look it up in the dictionary. Mostly I don't like looking stuff up,

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