Park and Violet

Free Park and Violet by Marian Tee

Book: Park and Violet by Marian Tee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Tee
I could walk you to the clinic—”
          “Violet?” a familiar voice called out in impatience.
          Park emerged, bounding up from the stairs.
          “I’m here!” She breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Park. He still made her secretly breathless, with the way all his fashionable clothes fit him to a T, displaying his perfectly sculpted muscles to perfection, but at least it was a familiar kind of breathless.
          With Park around, she slowly got her confidence back and when Violet turned back to her sort-of-rescuer, she was able to smile more naturally. “Thank you for helping me up. I’m sorry for worrying you. But I’m okay now and besides—” She gestured at Park, who was walking towards them with a scowl. “My friend’s here already.”
          The guy didn’t turn to look at Park.
          “You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked quietly.
          She nodded again. Belatedly remembering her manners, Violet offered her hand. “I’m Violet by the way.”
          He took it, his hand warm, firm, and dry as he shook hers, large enough to make her hand feel so incredibly small in his hold. “Lee,” he said.
          Her eyes widened. “Chinese?” He didn’t look one at all.
          “Half,” he answered with a brief smile.
          Park finally reached her side, and she was embarrassed to see he was still scowling. It had been a while since she had seen his ogre look. She stepped on his toe none too subtly. “This is Park, by the way.” She turned to Park beaming, but her eyes were shooting sparks at him, warning him about what she’d do if he didn’t smile and play nice.
          Wincing at the sharp stinging pain caused by the razor thin heel of Violet’s shoe, Park managed a smile. “Hey, man.”
          The other man gave him a polite nod before looking back at Violet with another smile.
          Asshole, Park thought, feeling a sudden urge to pull Violet to him and kiss her in front of the other man.
          “I guess I’ll see you around then,” Lee told her softly. As he walked away, he gave Park another polite nod.
          Violet was exasperated when all Park did was incline his head the slightest bit, as if Lee didn’t deserve any more effort than that. “God, you’re such an arrogant jerk,” she burst out the moment Lee was gone.
          Park said dryly, “I have to hand it to you. You definitely attract boys like fleas.”
          She batted her eyelashes at him. “Jealous?”
          “Like I said, boys.” He gave her a slow, sexy, confident-as-hell smile. “And I’m no fucking boy, Violet.”
          Violet almost shuddered at the way Park’s voice slithered over her skin. “Obnoxious blond gorilla,” she muttered under her breath.
          Park was already walking away.
          “Hey, wait!” She hurried after him.
          “Try to keep up,” he told her. “I don’t want to be late for work because of you.” He waited her to get mad, to throw a tantrum like most other girls but Violet didn’t.
          She only smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I just came here because I was…” She shook her head. “Never mind.”
          He frowned, the odd tone in her voice telling him that not everything was okay. As they walked to work briskly, Park subtly tried to slow down so Violet wouldn’t have a hard time catching up with him. He didn’t want her think he was so concerned about her. It might give Violet a bigger head, and she was already full enough as it is.
          “How were the rest of your classes?” He tried to sound casual, but small talk wasn’t his forte and he ended up sounding gruff instead.
          “As if you’d care.”
          “You got an anxiety attack because I wasn’t with you, right?”
          She missed a step.
          Park laughingly caught Violet before she fell. “So I am

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