Beneath the Hallowed Hill
the next morning, Megan took her time gathering her clothes, her garnet earrings, her favorite shells, and a few brightly colored pillows from the large stack on her bed. She would see what else she needed after she moved into her new quarters; it wasn’t like she was leaving home forever.
    Downstairs, her aunt pressed a huge mug of orange and passion fruit juice into her hand. “For your head,” she said, winking, but Megan left the party before drinking enough wine to need this much juice. She thanked her aunt, took a few sips, and slipped the mug beneath the low bench in the garden. The grand matriarch, the eldest grandmother of her clan, sat nearby. The rest of the family gathered round, their bronze and creamy faces smiling. The grand matriarch cleared her throat and the adults hushed. Children still ran through the garden, the smallest screeching in delight at being chased. A sharp look from her grandmother sent the child’s mother running to quiet her.
    “Today you leave our home to go study with the Guild Masters of the Crystal Matrix Chamber. You may not know this, but you had an ancestor who helped to set the Great Stones. Now we have the honor of sending another member of our family to serve there.” Her umber face reflected the sun like a small moon. “Study hard and play well, Megan, but remember we are still here for you. This place will always be your home.”
    Sudden tears filled Megan’s eyes. She was overwhelmed with a confusion of sorrow, exhilaration, fear, and one emotion she still could not name. She felt warmth in her belly when she remembered the laugh she heard in the musky dark last night. Like a child, she flung herself into her great mother’s arms. The matriarch pushed her hair from her face and kissed her forehead in blessing. The tears passed like quicksilver. Now full of the upcoming adventure, she surged to her feet and spread her arms, trying to hug everyone at once. She was sent off by congenial laughter, fond tussling of her hair, and little pieces of advice: “Study hard, but have some fun.” “Don’t be afraid to ask questions.” “Your second cousin is near that temple.” “Come back to see us soon.” The children ran around laughing, not understanding the fuss but enjoying it nonetheless.
    They walked her out to the lawn to her father’s conveyance. Apparently, he stayed the night. Her uncles finished loading her trunk and her father opened the back door for her. “Ready?” Megan nodded and got in. He closed the bubble top and started the vehicle. A few stray tears wet her cheeks as she watched the waving crowd grow smaller.
    Diaprepes headed straight for the ocean and dove beneath the waves, treating Megan to a jaunt among the fish and waving kelp. He let the craft rest quietly for a few minutes so the schools of fish could reform. From a distance came the song of a whale. Megan twisted to see if she could spot the giant, but saw only the blue water lit by the filtered sun. Diaprepes watched her for a while, then said, “Wonders await you, my dear.” He winked and turned to her mother. “Hungry?” Pleione nodded vigorously, and they shot up out of the water and headed toward the shore.
    Her parents flew to a pleasant restaurant in one of the merchant districts, talking easily and speculating about her eventual role in the guild after training. Megan only half listened, giving herself over to the moment. Hummingbirds shot through the patio, their ruby throats and emerald green bodies glinting amongst the scarlet fuchsia. People called to each other on the street below, laughing, lounging in the doorways of their shops. Eden seemed reluctant to stop celebrating.
    The time came to drop Megan off at her home for the foreseeable future. She pushed her nose to the window when they drew close. The complex was laid out in careful proportions; the Grand Hall a golden mean rectangle, the Crystal Matrix Chamber itself in the center of a tightening spiral of standing

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