Broken God

Free Broken God by Nazarea Andrews

Book: Broken God by Nazarea Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nazarea Andrews
she finally
pulls, we’re both gasping and my patience is at an end.
    “What do you want?”
I murmur and she rocks against me.
    “I want to forget
my life, for a few hours. I want you.”
    She looks at me,
and I wonder what she sees.
    The lost , blue eyes and
golden hair, the strange beautiful boy?
    Or the man that I
am, under the mantle of godhood?
    Del saw that. I
didn’t realize until now just how much I want the same thing from Iris.
    “Apollo?” she
whispers, fingers curling in my hair. “You with me?”
    I grin, and my hands
tighten on her hips. Fingers digging in bruising hard and I drag
her down, kissing her curving neck and she shivers, writhing against me.
    I slip her closer , until when her
hips roll, she grinds against me and I groan into her skin, nipping at the pale
flesh until she gasps and I grin against her. “Bastard,” she huffs and I laugh
outright at that.
    She wiggles out of
my grasp and hits her knees yanking on my belt.
    “Iris,” I gasp, and
she smiles up at me, and it’s all Del and mine .
    “Shut up, Apollo,” she
murmurs and I do. I tilt my hips up and she grins as she tugs my jeans down.
When I’m naked, she sits back on her heels and watches me with hungry, wide
    “Fuck, Apollo,” she
whispers. I want to preen under that admiring stare, and the way she licks her
lips, hungry, but I don’t get a chance, because she’s leaning forward, and
sinking down, taking me deep in her mouth. I gasp as the wet heat engulfs me, I sink and swirl .
    Iris on her knees,
worshipping my dick, is every fantasy I didn’t know I had. My hand twists into her dirty gold hair, holding her
but letting her set the pace as she licks up my shaft, hollows her cheeks and
sucks hard.
    Her hands are
rolling my balls, tugging in that way that’s distracting and hot and I want to
cut all control and fuck into her mouth, until her lipstick is smeared on her face and my cock. Her
tongue probes at my slit and I groan, a long low noise and fuck this.
    I tug on her hair,
a sharp yank that drags her eyes to mine.
    “Wanna fuck you,” I
    Her eyes go wide
and she sucks hard once more, just enough to drag a hissed curse from me, and
then she comes off my dick with a pop.
    “Here or the bed?”
she asks, and her voice is husky and fucked.
    I want to hear her
sound like that every day.
    I want her to
always sound like that, like she’s just sucked my dick and is so hungry for
more that she’s almost shaking with want.
    My bed is covered
in shadows, and here is wrapped up in sunlight and the smell of something
    There isn’t really
a question.
    “Here,” I whisper.
    She smiles, a quick
flash of teeth and then she’s tugging her sundress up over her head, and she stands there in
her white
tights and a bright blue bra with white lace. She’s pale and lightly freckled, and
she’s grinning, still amused by something that I don’t know and can’t bring myself to ask.
    I just want to see
that smile there.
    I tug her closer,
shoving her pants down her hips and dragging her into my lap.
    Her panties are
white cotton boy shorts, simple and practical and unassuming.
    And she’s the
prettiest thing I’ve seen in a thousand years.
    And she’s mine.
    You’ll find me. Claim me. Kill and kill and kill.
    I shake Del from my head and
lean forward, kissing over Iris’ exposed throat and down to her breast,
still cupped in that pretty bra. I tug it down impatiently and don’t even take
time to admire her before I’m dragging my teeth over her pink nipple, and she
moans, rocking into me, her hips riding my leg.
    Iris is completely
unabashed in her pleasure. Riding me and whispering dirty in my ear as her
fingers yank at my hair, using me as she chases that elusive bit of friction that
will push her over the edge.
    I slip a hand
between us and into her cotton panties, into the soft wet heat between her
legs, and she screams, as I slide a slippery finger over her clit. Bucks
against me, gasping and

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