Cinderella Liberty

Free Cinderella Liberty by Cat Johnson

Book: Cinderella Liberty by Cat Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Johnson
it might just kill him if she did.
    She came apart slowly. It started with tiny thrusts of her hips and moved to her clenching her thighs, but he didn't let up. He kept at it until she was trembling from the effort to stay silent and control her expression. She wasn't as good at controlling her breathing. He heard every closed-mouthed breath tinged with a tiny sound of pleasure that twisted the need inside him tighter. It was by far the most incredible thing he'd ever experienced with a woman in what had been a long and sordid life.
    Finally, he eased up on her. He righted her dress and she sagged against the back of the booth. Her hand had stayed in his lap throughout it all, clenched in a tiny fist as she'd come. Now, she spread her fingers over him again and stroked his length. Her touch on him grew firmer and quickened.
    Her effort had him smiling. "Trying to get back at me?"  
    "Mmm, hmm." She shot him a sideways glance.
    "Not gonna work, darlin'." Not that he minded her trying. He grinned. "These pants are too thick."
    "You won't have pants on later." She pulled her finger away and raised the beer bottle to her lips with one shaky hand.
    No, he certainly hoped he wouldn't have pants on later. Crash wanted to guarantee that. In fact, the sooner the better. He raised one hand to signal the waitress.
    Trish frowned. "What are you doing?"
    "Knocking your brother out for the count." Crash knew exactly how to do that. Enough with the waiting. It was time to get serious.
    Trish's brows rose. "Okay."
    The waitress arrived. "Yes, sir?"
    "A double tequila on the rocks." He glanced at Trish and tipped his head toward Dawn on the dance floor. "What's her downfall?"
    He glanced back at the waitress. "And one of those, please. Got that?"
    "Yes, sir. I'll be right back with your drinks."
    "Thanks." As she left for the bar, Crash eyed the dance floor one more time. The two unknowing victims of their plan only had eyes for each other.

    Danny's eyelids drooped as the level of tequila in the glass moved lower and the minutes ticked by.
    Trish was keenly aware of the time passing, every second bringing them closer to midnight. She had no intention of letting Crash go without at least an hour alone with him. Three hours would be even better. Hating the deadline hanging over their heads, she felt the pressure and searched for some way to get her brother moving.
    "Hey, you guys want to run upstairs to the hotel room with me? These shoes are killing me. I want to change them real quick."
    "Sure. We'll come with you." Obviously wise to her motivation, Crash stood.
    Danny, still seated with his arm around Dawn at the table, frowned. "Can't you go do that and come back here?"
    "I think we should go with her. Um, my feet hurt too." Dawn caught Trish's gaze and mouthed silently, "Thank you."  
    Dawn must have thought Trish was trying to arrange it so she and Danny could have time together in the room. That worked for Trish. As long as the result was time with Crash alone and at least partially naked, it was fine with her.
    "Okay. Fine." Danny stood and swayed a bit, his eyes not quite focused. "Did we pay the bill?"
    "Yeah. We're all set." Trish cringed and glanced at Crash. Maybe they'd done too good of a job getting her brother liquored up. How was he going to walk back on the ship in this condition?
    Crash leaned low. "We got a few hours. He'll be a'ight."
    She hoped so. But right now she couldn't worry about how quickly Danny would metabolize the tequila. Trish was more concerned if Dawn could lure him into the bedroom and close the deal so she could be with Crash.
    "Come on. Let's go." Trish led the way out of the crowded pub and out onto the sidewalk.
    A few steps had them inside the hotel lobby and to the elevators as her heart pounded. Upstairs in the hall outside her room, the adrenaline coursing through her veins had her hand trembling. Trish had to work to hold steady and shove the keycard into the

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