Learning Me (Lightworker Trilogy #1)

Free Learning Me (Lightworker Trilogy #1) by Jamie White

Book: Learning Me (Lightworker Trilogy #1) by Jamie White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie White
    “Who did they think might find me?” The whole conversation was making her head spin, and a part of her couldn’t help but think she was being played. Still, she had them talking, so she figured she might as well hear the whole story.
    “I don’t know for sure. We were never given a name or description of anyone in particular. I don’t think they knew, either,” her father explained. “We were told there’s a balance in the world. For every person who is out there trying to help others, there are people who would do the opposite. It’s possible they felt like one of these people was getting too close to them — to you.”
    “And you took me in to protect me. Why did you do it if you thought these people were so dangerous?”
    He gestured for Courtney to sit beside him as he considered the question a minute. “We talked about that a lot before we made the decision to look after you, and there were a lot of factors involved. Eventually, we realized that these were good people trying to make a difference, and we wanted to help in any way we could. Plus, you seemed to really take to us and we weren’t sure we’d be able to have any kids ourselves… we thought it might be our only chance.”
    “I’m not sure I believe any of this. It’s so out there, I don’t even know where to start.” Images of everything they’d told her ran through her mind, moving so fast she felt as though she’d pass out if she weren’t already sitting. How was any of this possible? Could they still be lying? She didn’t want to believe that could be the case.
    “Believe me, we understand,” her mother chimed in. “It is true, though.”
    “Okay, so say this is true. Say my parents have these weird abilities. What about me? Does this mean I might get them too? What would’ve happened if I did and it happened in front of a bunch of people?”
    Her mother shrugged, looking at a complete loss. “We don’t know for sure if you’ll have the same gifts they did. It’s possible you’ll only develop some of them, or none at all. We should find out soon, though. Your parents developed their own gifts once they turned eighteen.”
    “Where are they now? Do you have any idea? What were their names?” Courtney held her breath as she waited for the information that could bring her one step closer to her past, deciding not to explore her own potential powers any further for the time being. The idea of being someone else’s child was enough.
    “I wish we could answer that, but we can’t. The day we took you in was the last we heard anything about them. We can’t be sure, but we’re afraid that something might have happened. The whole thing was so rushed once we agreed, and we were being pressured hard to make a decision fast.”
    A sinking sensation hit Courtney hard, and she tightly gripped the armrest of the chair she’d settled into. Was it possible she would never know them? The thought left her with an empty feeling inside. “But they could still be out there, right? Do you know anything else that I might be able to use to find them?”
    Her father’s eyes widened. “Courtney, maybe you should slow down a little. We were sworn to secrecy for a reason.”
    “How would you feel if you were me? Wouldn’t you want to know more about them? Wouldn’t you want to know about your other family? For all I know, I could have brothers or sisters out there, other cousins… people that might know more about who I am.”
    “Of course, you should want to know,” her mother assured her. “We understand wanting answers, but you just found all this out today. You should take the time to sort through everything in your head before you make any decisions about what to do with all this information.”
    “Maybe…” Courtney had to admit they might have a point, but the sting of the betrayal and the twinge of frustration building deep in her gut were hard to ignore. “Can we talk about this again later?”
    “Of course,”

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