Boss: Complete Box Set: A Mob BDSM Romance

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Book: Boss: Complete Box Set: A Mob BDSM Romance by Rae Lynn Blaise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae Lynn Blaise
me. I won’t let him. I spin, my face hot and my body on fire. I want to run him down, push him back, and kiss him savagely.
    “I said, Mr. Masters, I don’t agree to your terms and you fucking heard me the first time.”
    His jaw twitches and he moves faster than I can react. His hands are on me before I know what’s happening. I yelp, then moan as his fingers dig into my arms and he yanks me to him. My breasts push into his chest, my nipples immediately peaking as they rub against his hard chest. His left hand moves to my face and grips my jaw, turning my head to the side as he brings his lips to mine.
    His breath sends heat and desire over my mouth, and I’m primed for his kiss. This fast, this immediate, I’m ready to receive him and lose myself in his body. This isn’t submission, this is just hot. My breath squeezes out of me in anticipation.
    But he stops a fraction of an inch from my lips. He’s teasing me, and I find myself arching toward him, seeking…
    His thumb slides up and over my lower lip, then delves into my mouth with a hard thrust. It gags me, but I don’t fight it. He might as well have just stroked my clit for the flaming sensation that bursts there. I suck on him, closing my lips around it, showing his finger what I could do to his cock.
    The grip on my arm tightens and I realize without question that he knows how much I crave this. I could never have kept this part of myself hidden from a man like Brent. I’m shaking now, ripe with the hope that he’ll throw me on the bed and pin me.
    Pleasepleaseplease, my brain is screaming. But I can’t. I can’t do this with him.
    Suddenly, he pushes off of me, his thumb leaving my mouth unexpectedly empty and longing.
    His chest rises and falls hard once and then he recovers, turning into the ice prince I’ve come to recognize.
    “That’s unfortunate, Ms. Lundgren.” He turns to the door and yanks it open. He levels me with a hard stare. “Allow me to call you a cab.”
    My heart sinks. Are you kidding me? I don’t want to be his submissive, I think I made that as clear as mud. But I don’t want to go. That rough, playful, and consuming sex we had earlier? I want that. Much, much more of that. I’m about to tell him, but don’t. He’s already made it clear that the world revolves around his terms, and his terms only.
    He always wins.
    Brent lifts his chin, clearly waiting for me to leave. I should tell him what I want, but I’m not up for watching him laugh in my face. What man would want more vanilla sex when he’s got an entire chest filled with toys? He’ll humiliate me, I know it.
    And I hate myself for still wanting to be here with him.
    “I’d—I’d like to stay.” I’m a mess. I know it, and I’m ashamed of how pathetic I am. But I want him. I want my boss, all of him, and I don’t want this night to end without having more.
    “I see,” he says slowly. Another smile curls his lips and I actually shudder because it’s so impersonal, so cold. My eyes travel his naked body as a way to cover the disappointment his smile gives me. The deep “V” above his hips makes my mouth water and arousal chases away the hurt. This is so wrong, but I can’t bring myself to fully care.
    “You’re welcome to stay.”
    My heart flutters. Taking a step toward him, eager to be in his bed, I pause when he raises a hand palm-out like I’m a bad dog.
    “There’s the bed.” Without another word, he walks out, flashing me his perfect ass before the door slams behind him.
    Stunned, I can only stare at the door. That bastard. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m shocked. This is exactly what a woman should expect from Brent Masters—from all men with power complexes, really. Shit, hadn’t I learned that over the years?
    I had, but the sting of tears in my eyes still takes me off-guard. I know better than to put myself out there for a man like this, yet I can’t help but secretly adore the rush I get when he acts like this. There’s a sexy

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