“What do you think?”
“I don’t know; the sprain seemed the result of pure chance. It’s hard to imagine that the accident came from this need to
avoid the situation. Besides, I’ve been in worse situations than this many times and I didn’t sprain an ankle. Why did it
happen now?”
She looked thoughtful. “Who knows? Perhaps now is the time to see through the habit. Accidents, illness, healing, they’re
all more mysterious than any of us ever imagined. I believe that we have an undiscovered ability to influence what happens
to us in the future, including whether we are healthy—although, again, the power has to remain with the individual patient.
“There was a reason that I didn’t offer an opinion concerning how badly you were hurt. We in the medical establishment have
learned that medical opinions have to be offered very carefully. Over the years the public has developed almost a worship
ofdoctors, and when a physician says something, patients have tended to take these opinions totally to heart. The country doctors
of a hundred years ago knew this, and would use this principle to actually paint an overly optimistic picture of any health
situation. If the doctor said that the patient would get better, very often the patient would internalize this idea in his
or her mind and actually defy all odds to recover. In later years, however, ethical considerations have prevented such distortions,
and the establishment has felt that the patient is entitled to a cold scientific assessment of his or her situation.
“Unfortunately when this was given, sometimes patients dropped dead right before our eyes, just because they were told their
condition was terminal. We know now that we have to be very careful with these assessments, because of the power of our minds.
We want to focus this power in a positive direction. The body is capable of miraculous regeneration. Body parts thought of
in the past as solid forms are actually energy systems that can transform overnight. Have you read the latest research on
prayer? The simple fact that this kind of spiritual visualization is being scientifically proven to work totally undermines
our old physical model of healing. We’re having to work out a new model.”
She paused and poured more water on the towel around my ankle, then continued, “I believe the first step in the process is
to identify the fear with which the medical problem seems to be connected; this opens up the energy block in your body to
conscious healing. The next step is to pull in as much energy as possible and focus it at the exact location of the block.”
I was about to ask how this was done, but she stopped me. “Go ahead and raise your energy level as much as you can.”
Accepting her guidance, I began to observe the beauty around me and to concentrate on a spiritual connection within,evoking a heightened sensation of love. Gradually the colors became more vivid and everything in my awareness increased in
presence. I could tell that she was raising her own energy at the same time.
When I felt as though my vibration had increased as much as possible, I looked at her.
She smiled back at me. “Okay, now you can focus the energy on the block.”
“How do I do that?” I asked.
“You use the pain. That’s why it’s there, to help you focus.”
“What? Isn’t the idea to get rid of pain?”
“Unfortunately that’s what we’ve always thought, but pain is really a beacon.”
“A beacon?”
“Yes,” she said, pressing several locations on my foot. “How badly does it hurt right now?”
“It’s a throbbing ache, but not too bad.”
She unwrapped the towel. “Focus your attention on the pain and try to feel it as much as possible. Determine its exact location.”
“I know where it is. It’s in the ankle.”
“Yes, but the ankle is a large area. Where exactly?”
I studied the throbbing. She was correct. I had been generalizing the pain to the