Man-Droid the Orgasmatron (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Book: Man-Droid the Orgasmatron (Siren Publishing Classic) by Doris O'Connor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doris O'Connor
Tags: Romance
many, and they were too strong. Something hit the back of her head and the world went black.
    * * * *
    Beth groaned against the bright light, forcing her eyes open. She tried to swallow past the thorns stabbing her throat, and winced at the brass band which seemed to have taken up residence in her head.
    “She’s waking up. Get her some water.” The deep voice seemed to boom around the room, and Beth gagged on the water seemingly being forced down her bruised throat. She had no choice but to swallow, and the ice-cold liquid did soothe the fire in her gullet.
    A strong arm round her shoulders pulled her up into a sitting position, and Beth’s stomach heaved at the rolling sensation. Again her eyes were pried open, some sort of cooling salve was applied, and then that annoying bright light blinded her vision again. Some more prodding and poking followed, by the end of which Beth was ready to commit murder, but her vision had cleared and the pounding in her head receded to a more manageable level.
    “How are you feeling now?” She squinted up at the owner of that voice, a short, round, balding man with glasses, who she presumed must be some kind of doctor. At least he wore the white coat and had the required stethoscope dangle from his thick neck. He cupped her chin and ran his other hand over the back of her head. Beth winced as he hit a sore spot, and he clucked his tongue.
    “When will they learn to not be so heavy-handed? Would make my job a damn sight easier.” He released her and signed a form attached to a clipboard, and Beth got a chance to take in her surroundings. She seemed to be in some form of holding cell. Bright artificial light filled the small space. It contained nothing but the bed she’d been lying on, a table and chair, and a toilet and sink in one corner. Instead of bars she was surrounded by glass like some sort of damn goldfish. Beth couldn’t see out, but she was pretty damn sure whoever had her, and it had to be the mysterious they , Brian had been so worried about, would be able to see in.
    It was enough to make her blood boil. How bloody dare they?
    “Where the fuck am I, and what gives you lot the right to burst into my home and abduct me? There are laws against kidnapping.”
    The man in front of her took a step back, and she could have sworn he was about to laugh, when a disembodied voice intervened over the intercom.
    “Excellent, the lady seems fully recovered to me. Bring her to the interview room, Doc.”
    Doc sighed and offered Beth his hand to get up. She ignored him and scrambled to her feet by herself. The stone floor felt cold under her bare feet, and she realized with a start that she was still in the little black dress she had worn to the reunion. Thoughts of the party brought Elliot to the forefront of her mind, and she swallowed the threatening tears away.
    Somehow she knew she had to hide her affection for the Man-Droid, Brian’s dire warnings still ringing in her ears.
    “I can manage by myself, thank you.”
    Doc smiled and gestured for her to follow. The wall opened as if by magic, and the two of them were joined by two beefcakes all dressed in black. No doubt it was one of them who she had to thank for the blow to the head that had her now sport an egg of enormous proportions.
    Their little group weaved through a myriad of identical corridors until Beth lost all sense of direction and felt quite dizzy. By the time they finally opened one of the identical doors they had passed and entered another sterile room, she was glad to be able to sit down.
    A man and woman sat behind a table, and Beth sat opposite. Doc disappeared, and the two beefcakes took up a silent vigil on either side of her.
    Beth couldn’t help it. She laughed. A slightly hysterical laugh, but what else was a girl to do. This was all bordering on the ridiculous. Perhaps she was just having some sort of surreal nightmare and would wake up back in her own bed, still dreading the upcoming

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