Her Dad's Friend

Free Her Dad's Friend by Penny Wylder

Book: Her Dad's Friend by Penny Wylder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Wylder
my asshole. I take a deep breath and let it slowly out, trying to not tense up.
    “There you go, just relax,” he says when my body starts to loosen up. Still, he doesn’t enter me even though I’m ready to accept him.
    “The same bed,” he continues, “that you laid in night after night fantasizing about me …”
    “So you did read my diary.”
    I can’t remember everything I used to write in my diary, but I never held anything back. Everything I ever felt about Paul was between those pages, raw and unabridged.
    “It was just lying there. I couldn’t help it,” he says.
    “It was under my mattress wrapped up in a sweater.”
    A beautiful, playful smile tilts his lips. “You were a dirty little girl, weren’t you?”
    “Maybe a little.”
    I’d always been a good student, excellent with computers, and managed to find my way onto porn sites that I shouldn’t have had access to. A girl can learn a thing or two from those webpages. Watching all those women spreading their butt cheeks while men drilled into them, planted a seed into my brain that continued to grow over the years. I knew one day I wanted that done to me, and I used to picture Paul as the one to do it. That, I remember writing in my diary.
    Just as I open my mouth to speak, one of his fingers slips past my ring. I suck in a loud breath instead. I’m nervous. I’ve never done this with anyone before. It takes a moment for me to relax enough for it to easily glide in and out without that feeling of uncomfortable pressure.
    Once I’ve allowed myself to completely open up to him, his next finger enters.
    I’m rocking back and forth on his fingers now. When he bends down, catching my clit between his lips I’m on the edge about to go over, but be backs off before that can happen. He’s really good at controlling my orgasms.
    “You like that?” he asks in a sexy, sultry voice.
    “Mmm, yes,” is all I can manage because he’s reduced me to nothing but coos and throaty noises.
    From the bag, he pulls out the egg vibrator and turns it on. It’s a loud, powerful thing and I shiver with excitement imagining what he plans to do with it. He douses the egg with lube and that, too, goes in my ass. I marvel at the ticklish sensation of something vibrating in there. It feels amazing—like nothing I’ve ever felt before—and helps my muscles to relax even more. When he pulls it out, my entire body has loosened up, so when he puts the head of his cock into my rectum, there’s no resistance or pain.
    I let out a long moan. He pours more lube onto his shaft, and takes his time easing it into me until I’m full. By the time he has sank all the way into me, I’m completely adjusted to this new sensation and feeling more turned on than ever before. He goes slow, pulling out, then pushing back in. He adds more lube each time so each entrance is silky smooth and feels delectable.
    He lifts my butt off the bed so that he can move deeper into me. As he starts to move faster, humping in and out, I’m going wild. My pussy doesn’t need any attention to send me through the roof. He reaches over into my side table and finds one of my dildos.
    I watch him, eyes wide open as he rubs my clit with the tip. He’s going to double penetrate me. Part of me is nervous, afraid it will hurt or won’t fit, but I trust him. If it hurts he’ll stop.
    I’m surprised when he pushes it into me and it doesn’t hurt. Not at all. I just feel very full and very sexy and my orgasm smashes into me. He stays inside me a moment, waiting it out as my muscles clamp down on him. He caresses my breasts with his fingers until my shaking has stopped.
    He then takes the cuffs off. My strength is non-existent and I buckle into his waiting arms.
    “I love how kinky you are,” he whispers in my ear and there’s a smile in his voice.
    I smile too, but I have no words. My tongue is broken and my mouth is mush after that gut-ripping orgasm. He rolls over and turns off the light, snuggling

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