Sergius: #4 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas)

Free Sergius: #4 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas) by Madison Stevens

Book: Sergius: #4 (Luna Lodge: Hunters of Atlas) by Madison Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Stevens
Tags: paranormal romance
undergarments. Sergius lifted her up and pulled the tank from her head as well. A matching black lace bra stood out against her pale skin.
    Jade blushed and tried to cover herself. Sergius knelt down and pulled her hand to her side.
    “I want to see you,” he said quietly. “You have to understand how beautiful you are.”
    Jade let her hands fall at her sides and stared up at him. Sergius lifted his shirt from his body and tossed it across the room. He heard it hit the door and fall to the floor. He unbuttoned his pants but didn’t pulled them down.
    No. He needed to make this last. Despite his need to be inside her, he wanted to take his time. To taste her. To feel every last inch of her.
    Sergius reached around behind her and unclasped her bra before gently pulling it from her body. With equal gentleness, he slid her panties down her pale legs. He stared down at her naked form. He looked up to her face.
    “You are mine,” he said gruffly. Her eyes widened with shock at his words, but he couldn’t stop himself from claiming her. She was his Vestal, and he’d do anything in his power to show her just what she meant to him. “My bonded.”
    Jade watched as Sergius sank onto the floor and stared at her from between her legs.
    “What are you doing?” she asked.
    He gave her a wolfish grin as he continued staring. Jade laid her head back on the bed and panted the closer he got. Every part of her wanted him there, but having him in such a private place was both nerve wracking and exciting.
    Even if they’d been together in the dream, and she’d felt the orgasms, this was different, more exciting, and she’d been damn excited in her dream.
    His hot breath came on her thigh. She shivered in anticipation. She hissed loudly when his fingers spread her folds, and he swiped up and down with a slow leisurely pace. His thumb bumped her clit, and she groaned loudly at the feel of him there.
    “Sergius,” she whispered.
    His mouth moved to her wet center. She could hear him breathe in deeply, and knowing he was there aroused her even more. Sergius swiped along her center with the flat part of his tongue.
    Her toes curled at the quick movement. His tongue swirled around her clit as he moved over her.
    Over and over, his tongue spread her center, each time with just the right amount of pressure to make her want more without finding her peak too soon.
    He knew just want to do, just how to please. Of course, he already had in the dreams. She almost laughed. Practice makes perfect.
    She hissed when he slowly speared his way inside her opening. Her insides fluttered at the feel of him. His tongue slid in and out of her, each time penetrating farther in.
    His thumb circled her clit. Her insides fluttered with each movement. She needed him. Oh, how she needed him.
    He slipped a finger inside of her as his tongue continued to go in and out. She could feel him wiggle inside of her and cried out as a small orgasm ripped through her.
    Sergius pulled away from her, and she opened her eyes to look down her body to where he was. She watched as he stood and slid his pants down. His large cock jutted out, and she licked her lips in anticipation.
    In her dream, Sergius had buried himself deep inside her. And although she ached to have him there, she wasn’t quite so certain she would be able to take him like she had in the dream.
    He leaned over her, their bodies touching. Her breasts pressed tightly against his hard chest. Sergius kissed her, and she could taste herself on his lips. He pulled back to stare down at her.
    “I got you, baby,” he said quietly
    Jade nodded. Despite the little time that they been together, she trusted him. Everything in her said that Sergius was the one, and no matter how much she tried to fight the feeling, he would always be the one.
    Apparently, the hybrids and the Azilians weren’t the only insane ones, but she didn’t care. Everything about being together with him felt so right, like they’d been

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