Blood Curse (Pulse #8)

Free Blood Curse (Pulse #8) by Kailin Gow

Book: Blood Curse (Pulse #8) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
said. “We are the guardians of something very precious indeed. Nereti's raid was not only about defiance. We also had something she wanted badly. Very badly.”
              “What's so special about these diamonds?” Kalina asked.
              Uzo took a step forward, looking around at the others, hesitating. “I must tell you all,” he said. He barked orders at his men, demanding that they begin the work of cleaning up the mess. “I must tell you in private,” he said.
              He led Kalina deep into the caves, deep into their darkest hidden heart. He produced a key from around his neck and unlocked a carved wooden door, intricately decorated with some of the finest woodwork Kalina had ever seen. Once they were safely inside, he locked the door once more behind them.
              Kalina gasped. All around her were the most beautiful jewels she'd ever seen. Each crystal, each glimmering diamond, shone with the light of a thousand moons, catching the glow of the candles all around them. In each she could see reflected her own face.
              “These diamonds,” Uzo said to her, “are no ordinary diamonds. They are powerful. They can destroy the most powerful, the most ancient of any vampires. Or at least, they will be, in the hands of the right person. These diamonds are in fact the strongest substance that exists, or ever has existed on earth. When wielded by the one who has been prophesied, they can be used to defeat whole armies. We could not harness their power before. But now we can. Nereti believes she is the one fated to use these diamonds. But now, as I look at you, I am more sure than ever that she is wrong.”
              He took out one of the diamonds and placed it in Kalina's palm. Immediately it began glowing bright, dark red.
              “Light and life defeat the bringer of death and destruction,” said Uzo. “You look just like her, you know. But whereas her heart is black, yours is full of the sun. There must be a reason that you two are so similar – a connection.”
              “No connection!” Kalina cried.
              “You are opposites, linked by what divides you. Light and dark, life and death, are bound together always. You bear her image, yet you have goodness within you, the human and the vampire together, vampire speed and strength and a human heart, capable of the greatest love. The most bountiful love. I see from your face you have loved much.”
          Kalina flushed. “Yes,” she said.
              “I believe you are the one who is prophesied to use these,” Uzo said. “These are the diamonds that are your bounty. When the time comes to use them, you will know what to do.”
              Immediately another flash came over Kalina, another series of images flitting across her brain. The rage came once more, stronger this time, overwhelming, even.
              “We must send another trope out there,” cried Nereti, her voice terrible in its anger. “We must get our hands on these diamonds. We cannot allow them to keep them. We cannot allow our enemies to reach them. Take all the vampires you can spare, we must go immediately.”
              “But my darling, you said this was only a minor raid,” Octavius kissed Nereti, tracing his lips along her naked shoulders, her naked back. “Why do you wish to spend all your energy on this minor tribe?”
              “Defiance must be punished!” cried Nereti. “And besides, it pleases me to take their bounty. These diamonds – I shall wear them, and then the whole world will know what happens to those who cross me.”
              “We can get diamonds anywhere, my love,” Octavius said.
              “These diamonds will be stained with the blood of my enemies,” Nereti replied, “and they will be all the more beautiful for it. I will have these and none others to wear in my

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