
Free IceHuntersMate by Marisa Chenery

Book: IceHuntersMate by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
if she reacts really badly to this and runs, I don’t know if I can honestly
force her to stay with me.”
    “Once it’s done, the separation anxiety will change her mind
real quick. A few hours away from you and she’ll come back in a hurry,” Brice
    Whereas before Wachei had looked forward to Eryn coming over
that afternoon, now he dreaded it. This was not how he’d envisioned telling her
about him being a werewolf sentinel. And he hated that he’d have to make her
his mate without her having time to adjust to it all.
    Cassidy stood and walked around the table until she was
behind his chair. She bent and wrapped her arms around him. “It’ll be okay,
Wachei. In the end, Eryn will be happy to have you. If you two weren’t meant to
be together your mating urge wouldn’t have been set off.” She kissed the top of
his head, then straightened. “All of us will leave before Eryn arrives so you
can have the house to yourself to do this. It might be easier that way.”
    Wachei nodded, his mind already churning with thoughts of
what he’d have to do. He still didn’t think it was fair that he had to pressure
Eryn into accepting him as her mate. As for turning her today, he would hold
firm on letting her decide whether she wanted to become a werewolf or not. The
shaman had given him the choice, it was only right that she had that too. It
wasn’t something a person could agree to lightly. There was no going back once
it was done. But the part of him that wanted nothing more than to protect his
mate understood it would be the best thing for Eryn. It still didn’t make it
right, though.

Chapter Six
    Eryn’s phone rang as she washed up the dishes from her
breakfast. Drying her hands on a tea towel, she walked to the living room, then
picked up the cordless that was on the coffee table.
    “Hi, Eryn,” Noah said.
    “If you’re calling to bug me about Wachei, I’m going to hang
up on you now.”
    “No, that isn’t the reason.” Her older brother took a deep
breath and blew it out. “I’m sorry for sticking my nose where it didn’t belong
yesterday, and I promise to allow you to get to know Wachei without having to
worry I’ll try to drive you apart.”
    Noah’s speech sounded rehearsed and monotone, as if someone
had told him what to say. She had a feeling that someone was Heidi. She was
soon proven correct when she heard her sister-in-law say in the background
“And? You’re not done yet, Noah.”
    “And I promise to be on my best behavior whenever I’m around
you and your new boyfriend. I’ll act like the mature adult I’m supposed to be
and not as a fourteen-year-old.”
    Eryn burst out laughing. That last part definitely came from
Heidi. “Okay,” she said once she settled down to a chuckle. “If you go back on
your word, what is your wife going to do in way of punishment?”
    Noah let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “She’ll invite Mom to
come stay at our place for a week, then tell her everything I’ve done.”
    She barely held back more laughter. The pained way Noah
spoke, you’d think a visit from their mother was akin to being tortured for
weeks. “Oh, you wouldn’t want that.”
    “Is that good enough?” her brother asked, his voice not as
loud, as if he held the phone away from his mouth.
    There was a stretch of silence, then Heidi came on. “Hi,
Eryn. Noah has gone to sulk now.” In the background, her brother yelled from
somewhere in their house that he wasn’t. “Yes, you are,” her sister-in-law
called back.
    Eryn chuckled. “Thanks for getting him to call. Even though
you forced Noah into doing it, it’s the thought that counts.”
    “Tell Wachei I’m sorry my crazy husband got a little out of
hand yesterday. It won’t happen again. And by the way, can I say how hot Wachei
is. All that long hair and bronzed skin. Yummy. That man is gorgeous, and what
little I saw of him, he seems nice.”
    “I will. I’ll be seeing Wachei a little later

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