Broken Submission: Surrendering Softly (Contemporary Submissive Romance)
    Lily moaned
deeply as the fiery kiss seemed to go on endlessly. It always felt
like heaven when he kissed her. And his touch…sweet lord. His
large, sure hands scanned her quivering frame and set her on
    He broke the
kiss with a final nibble on her bottom lip and Lily shuddered,
watching his head descend to suckle each nipple. She absolutely
loved the way he handled her breasts, with a blend of rough and
gentle. He scooped them in his palms and fondled them passionately,
lavishing the tips with just as much ardent attention. Aroused
beyond belief, Lily couldn’t lie still, writhing with ecstasy. When
he pulled away from her, she whimpered loudly in protest.
    But he was
sliding down her trembling naked frame to rest his face between her
spread thighs. Oh. She stared down at him as his tongue snaked out
for one first, carnal lick. The sensation of his tongue connecting
with that delicate bundle of tissues made Lily see stars for a
    “Maxwell!” Lily
cried out, blinking away the mist of bliss clouding her senses as
she shot off the bed, coming awake suddenly.
    Lily was
breathing hard and fast, staring around at the empty bedroom. The
covers had pooled at her waist and she glanced down at her
sweat-soaked night shirt. Shoving her hands through her damp auburn
hair, she let out a frustrated groan.
    Her whole body
tingled from yet another night dreaming of a lust-induced encounter
with a man she didn’t even know. She’d barely ever spoken ten words
to him even though she saw him regularly. And yet each night he
colored her dreams. Each night, when she lay in the dimness it was
his face she pictured as she imagined being ravished by her
demanding lover.
    What an idiot
she was.
    And yet she
couldn’t help a slight tremor passing through her as she let
herself for a second think what it would be like to have a man like
him. There was no doubt he was the sexiest man she’d ever met. He
looked like sin personified: handsome, dark and devilish. The kind
of man whose one glance could send the moistness spilling from
secret places. Even with all her common sense Lily couldn’t help
but be physically attracted to a man known to have no morals when
it came to the opposite sex. Oh, she knew all about his reputation
thanks to the tabloids that followed his every escapade with almost
religious interest. Lily wanted to hate herself for even being
drawn to a man like that. She needed her head examined.
    But then what
was the harm in a little fantasy? Not like her real life was
anything to write home about. No gorgeous lover making her nights
sizzle and no excitement to lift the dullness of the lonely hours
when she wasn’t working or with friends. Lily had zero respect for
women who felt they needed the presence of a man in their life to
validate their worth as a female. She wasn’t like that at all but
dammit she was human; she had needs. And though to the outside
world she might put up a façade that nothing was missing in her
perfect little world, Lily Armstrong knew the whole truth. There
was a whole chunk of something lacking in her life and she didn’t
know for sure what that was.
    She sighed
deeply and put those depressing thoughts behind her. Checking the
bedside clock she could tell she still had several more hours of
sleep before she needed to get ready for work. Hopefully this time
her dreams wouldn’t be filled with having filthy, sweaty sex with
the hottest male on the planet…
    Warm, soft
lips…wrapped around his throbbing shaft. Another pair of eager,
sweet lips, pressed against his in a steamy, shameless kiss. Their
three bodies sensuously entwined on the luxuriant sheets. Moans and
groans filled the expansive room and turned it into a universe of
wicked delight.
    Maxwell grabbed
a fistful of the blonde locks of the woman who kissed him
enthusiastically and tugged her head back so he could trail his
mouth down to her proudly tilted breast. The brunette sucking so
ravenously on his

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