Lust - A Stepbrother Romance

Free Lust - A Stepbrother Romance by Maya Love

Book: Lust - A Stepbrother Romance by Maya Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Love
had went on the previous week. I feel Jess start to
rub on my leg a few seconds later and I have to stop myself from rolling my
eyes. The last thing I wanted was her to give me a
quickie under the table with her family right next to us. When we first started
dating it might have been thrilling but something about the way she was all too
willing and excited to do such a thing was less of a turn on.
    Now Elizabeth on
the other hand, that was a different story. She was
new, she was fresh meat, she was more exciting to
think about. Like right now the idea of going outside and having a little fun
with her while her daddy was in here all worried about his good little girl was
such a fucking turn on. It was making me hard in the middle of the fucking
brunch table just thinking about it. And her in that little fucking sundress
with her big round tits. God fucking damn.
    I push Jessica’s
hand away and pull my phone out of my pocket, pretending to be fascinated by
the screen. I make a big show of huffing all loud and looking annoyed before I
shake my head. “I’m so sorry, work is blowing me up. Is there somewhere I could
go to talk in private?”
    “Babe, you said no
work.” Jess whines from next to me.
    Elizabeth’s dad waves
her off. “Oh, let him go, Jessica, when I first started at the firm I was on
constant call, too. I know how it is, trust me. You can use Ed’s office
upstairs. Take as long as you need.”
    I grin. “Thank you
so much for understanding.” Then I lean down and kiss Jess on the lips softly.
“I’ll try to make it quick, I promise.”
    And then I’m up
from the table before anyone else has a chance to think or say anything else
about it. I think about how ironic it is that Lizzie’s dad just had my back
when I was completely full of shit in the hopes of fucking the shit out of his
hot ass daughter as I slip out the front door and shut it silently behind me
instead of heading upstairs to the office in Jess’s uncle’s house.
    I can hear
laughter coming from the inside of the house as I made my way around the house
to the backyard. Jesus, they really were fucking oblivious to anything going on
in their own family. I fucking loved it.
    I spot Elizabeth
as soon as I set foot into the yard that surrounds the back of the house. She’s
facing away from me, standing at the gazebo on the far end of her uncle’s
property. Her butt looks so plump and big in her little sundress and I feel my
cock starting to rise even more in my pants as I make my way over to her in
long strides.
    I needed to dive
into that pussy and fast.
    Hopefully that
sweet pussy would take my mind off my stepsister, too.
    She turns around
as soon as I set foot inside of the wooden structure, almost as if she could
feel me coming before I arrived. But she still looks shocked to see me. She
goes to move past me but I block her right away, pushing her sexy little body
    “Your phone better
be broken,” I tell her in a harsh tone. “Because if it isn’t that would mean
you have been ignoring me and that’s not okay with me, Elizabeth.”
    She looks nervous
and bites her lip. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to ignore you, Ethan. I just… I
just don’t know how I feel. I mean...what happened the other day in the
    “What happened the
other day in the pantry was fucking hot,” I finish for her. I take a few steps
closer to her and she backs up bumping her back into the edge of the gazebo.
“It was so good, Elizabeth, I can’t stop thinking about it.”
    “Really?” She
looks interested in spite of herself.
    “Really,” I tell
her. “But I won’t be ignored. When I call or text you I expect you to answer
and fast. Do you understand me?”
    She shakes her
head. “Ethan, we have to stop this. It’s not good for either of us. If my
family ever found out I don’t even want to think about what they would do.”
    I take my hand and
run it over her neck slowly. “They aren’t going to find out, Elizabeth.” I

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