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Book: Zona by Geoff Dyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geoff Dyer
Tags: performing arts, film, video
(Harmondsworth: Granta, 1992).
    ‘ ENTIRE LIFE HAS CONSISTED ’: Tarkovsky, quoted in Robert Bird, Andrei Tarkovsky.
    ‘ SUBSEQUENT FILM ’: Tarkovsky, Time Within Time.
    ‘ I’M REDUCED TO ’: Tarkovsky, Sculpting in Time.
    ‘ A TEST ’: (‘that results in a man either withstanding or breaking. Whether a man survives or not depends on his sense of individual worth, his ability to distinguish what is important from what is transitory.’): Tarkovsky, quoted in Robert Bird, Andrei Tarkovsky.
    ‘ AN INFINITE, IF DANK ENCLOSURE ’: David Thomson, Have You Seen… ? (London: Allen Lane, 2008).
    ‘ THE BELIEVER WILL OPEN ’: Alan Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity (New York: Pantheon, 1951).
    ‘ IS FAITH IN HOPE ’: Miguel de Unamuno, Tragic Sense of Life (New York: Dover, 1954).
    ‘ PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING ’: Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy (London: Roudedge & Kegan Paul, 1953).
    ‘ THE EYE WANTS TO SLEEP ’: James Tate, ‘Absences’, Selected Poems (Manchester: Carcanet, 1997).
    ‘ MY DISCOVERY ’: Ingmar Bergman, at nostalghia.com.
    ‘ EVERY TIME IT WAS ’: Safiullin, interview, bonus extra, on Stalker DVD.
    ‘ THE GREATER THE DEGREE ,’ ETC .: Nadezhda Mandelstam, Hope Against Hope: A Memoir, translated by Max Hayward (London: Harvill, 1999; first published 1971).
    ‘ THE POINT OF ROOMS ’: Don DeLillo, White Noise (London: Picador, 1985).
    ‘ EACH ONE OF US ’: John Berger and Nella Bielski, A Question of Geography (London: Faber & Faber, 1987).
    ‘ I COMPLETELY AGREE ’: Tarkovsky, from an interview with Aldo Tassone at nostalghia.com . Translated slightly differently in Andrei Tarkovsky Interviews, edited by John Gianvito; ‘ THE ZONE DOESN’T ’: interview with Laurence Cossé, ibid.
    ‘ EVERYTHING, AFTER PASSING THROUGH ’: Miguel de Unamuno, Tragic Sense of Life. (In the English edition—translated from the Spanish—the first use of ‘film’ is given as ‘cinematograph show’; hence the change!)
    ‘ THE EXCELLENT ACTING OF THE DOG ’: Kenzaburo Oë, A Quiet Life (London: Picador, 1998).
    ‘ PLANTS AND ANIMALS ’: Bélas Balázs, quoted in Robert Bird, Andrei Tarkovsky.
    ‘ POSING ’: Donatas Banionis, quoted in Bird, ibid..
    ‘ FANTASTIC DOG ’: Knyazhinsky, interview, bonus extra, on Stalker DVD.
    ‘ ONLY THAT WHICH ’: Tarkovsky, interview with Guerra at nostalghia.com .
    ‘ MAKE THE OBJECTS LOOK ’: Robert Bresson, Notes on the Cinematographer.
    ‘ FINAL MIRACLE ’: Tarkovsky, Sculpting in Time.
    ‘ TOO SELFISH ’: Philip Larkin, ‘Wild Oats’, Collected Poems (London: Faber & Faber, 1988).
    ‘ A RUSSIAN ANGEL ’: Olga Surhova, quoted in Rerberg and Tarkovsky: The Reverse Side of ‘Stalker’ (film).
    ‘ HERE YOU LIVE ’: Rashit Safiullin, interview, bonus extra, on Stalker DVD.
    ‘ THANKS TO TARKOVSKY’S ’: Vladimir Sharun, interview at nostalghia.com .
    ‘ ONE OF THE GLASSES ’; Kenzaburo Oë, ‘The Guide (Stalker)’, in A Quiet Life.

    I would like to thank Mark Cousins, Tom Luddy and Chris Mitchell for reading an early version of the manuscript and making helpful suggestions and corrections. I am particularly grateful to Tom for furnishing me with information about Tarkovsky’s trip to Telluride.
    A few passages from this book first appeared, in very different form, in the Guardian. I am grateful to Michael Hann for commissioning and publishing that piece.

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