California Schemin': Book One in the Malibu Mayhem Trilogy
smiling at the elaborate portrait of Roland behind her desk. “We actually want to learn everything about Roland’s philosophy.”
    “His book You are That seems so…inspiring!” Bess chimed in.
    “How many times did you read it?” Inge asked.
    “H-how many times?” Bess stammered.
    “Most people sign up for the intensive and come back a few days later to begin.” Inge looked at our luggage. “You seem ready to check in right away.”
    “We’re only in town for a short time,” Bess blurted.
    “So we need to start now,” I added.
    Inge nodded as she observed us silently. Then her smile returned suddenly, and she said, “And so you shall!”
    “Shall what?” I asked.
    “Join the intensive. But before you begin the renewal process, you must fill out these forms,” she said, and handed us two clipboards. “Remember to sign your names at the bottom.”
    Inge stood up and walked over to a nearby file cabinet. She pretended to be busy rummaging through the files, but I could feel her radar on us.
    Bess and I filled out the first few lines—name, address, telephone number. I had no problem giving that information—until I reached the fourth line.
    “They want our bank information?” I whispered.
    “No way,” Bess whispered. “Why should we give them that?”
    “Is there a problem?” Inge asked.
    “Um…we were just wondering why you need our bank info,” I said.
    “For the fee,” Inge said as though we should have known. “And for any minor expenses that might come up.”
    “What is the fee?” I asked.
    Inge waved her hand as if it wasn’t important. “Eight thousand dollars,” she said.
    “Eight thousand dollars?” Bess squeaked.
    “For a week?” I asked.
    “Meals included,” Inge added.
    “You know,” I blurted, “I don’t remember my bank account number.” I rolled my eyes as if to say, Duh .
    “Neither do I,” Bess said. “Can we give it to you another time maybe?”
    “Or can’t we just be billed later?” I asked.
    Inge stared at us. “Wait here,” she finally said.
    She marched over to another door in her office, rapped on it three times, and slipped inside.
    As soon as the door shut, Bess and I jumped from our chairs. We raced to the door, pressed our ears against it, and listened.
    “Roland, I have two girls being resistant,” we heard Inge say.
    “Roland is in there,” Bess whispered. “Resistant how?” a deeper voice said.
    “They won’t cough up their bank information,” Inge said. “Should I tell them to leave?”
    Silence. And then…
    “No, Inge,” Roland said. “Let’s wait until they finish the entire process. They’ll be so spaced out they won’t even know they’re giving us their bank account numbers—or all their money.”
    I turned my head to stare at Bess. So that’s what this retreat was all about. Money! “Thank you, Roland,” Inge said.
    Bess and I zipped back to our chairs just before Inge opened the door.
    “No bank information needed for now, girls,” she declared. “Just sign at the bottom and you’ll be ready to be renewed, revitalized, and recharged.”
    “Cool,” Bess said with a smile.
    I smiled too as we signed the forms. I didn’t know whether to be excited or scared. I think I was a little of both—excited to be starting this investigation, scared of what we were about to find out.
    “Good!” Inge said. She took the clipboards and held out her hand. “Now if I may have your cell phones, please.”
    “Our phones?” Bess gulped.
    I thought of George back at the house expecting our calls. “Why do you want our phones?” I asked, trying not to sound panicky.
    “So you can become totally immersed in the renewal process,” Inge said, still with her hand out.
    My head spun with excuses for needing my phone. Like I had to check in on my elderly dad every day. Inge didn’t have to know he was only in his forties. Or that I couldn’t start my day without my daily horoscope alert.
    Luckily, Bess had it already

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