its last few streaks of light across the waves and giving the crystal-clear waters of Dunalino a diamond-like sparkle. She couldn’t recall viewing anything this lovely or untainted.
    Sadness began to blanket her emotions as she and Sage hiked along the beach. Today would’ve have been the consummation ritual. Now she didn’t even know where she was or how far away she’d been taken from her love. Trekking along in a white bathrobe and bare feet wasn’t how she had envisioned this day—exhausted with tangled hair, sore feet and hunger pangs. No, definitely not what I expected!
    “Do you know where we are yet?”
    “Sorry, but no.” Sage offered a comforting smile. “No worries though. I’m sure if we keep walking in the same direction we’ll end up back home. It is an island after all.”
    “I was supposed to become his Senhora Do Sangue today.” She sighed despondently.
    Sage stopped, then turned toward her. “Aw, I’m sorry. That explains why Blade didn’t waste any time in making his move. He must know you are ready.”
    “Should I have helped you with those men back there? I did bite one man back in LA.”
    “No. You did right by letting me handle them. They aren’t like society men. These chaps bite back. Living out here, dabbling in neck biting, their skills are honed. One mistake and you’d have been in the wrong hands.” She reached out, and with two index fingertips gently tugged the corners of Angel’s mouth upward. “Smile. We’ll make it back safely, and you will be reunited with Savaant.”
    Her unexpected gesture made Angel laugh. Sage was definitely a bright spot.
    “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to complain or sound weak. It’s been a trying day.”
    “You do not need to apologize. After everything that’s happened I’m surprised you haven’t shed a single tear.”
    She half-laughed. “Don’t start passing out the Purple Hearts. If I were not so parched, I’m sure the tears would flow. I miss him so much it hurts. How can someone become utterly addicted to another in just one week?”
    “I’m delighted to hear you say that. In spite of all your trials, you think of Savaant. He deserves a loyal woman with all the suffering he’s endured.”
    “He has and always will be everything to me. My dreams of meeting him kept me alive all those years.”
    Sage motioned that they sit down and rest. “If you don’t mind me asking, what did happen to you?”
    “Unfortunate circumstances.” She plopped down in the sand. “Long story short, I was blackmailed at the age of eighteen into marriage by a wealthy, powerful man back east. For thirty years I played the aristocrat’s showpiece . My only saving grace was his impotence. I never had to give myself to the bastard. And I was never given enough freedom to have an affair.”
    “That’s a long time without love.” Sage lifted her brow and blinked a couple times, openly surprised.
    Angel didn’t fault her stunned response. Who wouldn’t be shocked to know a forty-eight-year-old virgin? Especially in these modern times with the Internet at one’s fingertips. Well, I felt like the world’s oldest virgin until a few days ago. My blight has been lifted in that area…and delightfully so!
    “I’m not sure I could’ve had an affair even if given the chance. Men had never treated me kindly. Savaant was my safe place. Every night I pulled him into my thoughts before falling asleep.”
    “Weren’t you afraid when he bit you?”
    Angel thought about that for a moment. As bizarre as their meeting had been, she’d never been afraid of him.
    “I never felt fear with him. In fact…he makes me feel safer than ever.”
    “He truly has found the right woman,” Sage said. “We just need to get you two back together and complete the union. Are you ready to start walking again?”
    “Yes. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find some water.” She brushed sand off her robe as they resumed their trek. Under a dark sky the ocean took on a

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