Changing Habits

Free Changing Habits by Debbie Macomber

Book: Changing Habits by Debbie Macomber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debbie Macomber
girls’ eyes. “There will be many questions you will answer in the next year. Important questions. But first and foremost, you must decide if you are ready to set aside your own selfish desires and replace them with a close relationship with God.
    â€œYou will learn the lessons of obedience and poverty. From this moment forward, you own nothing. Everything you have, right down to your toothbrush, belongs to the Order. You must be absolutely ruthless in your rejection of the world.”
    Angie gave a deep sigh. She was ready to relinquish the world, ready to cast aside all that she owned and would inherit, including the family restaurant. She wanted this life and was determined to pursue it wholeheartedly.
    â€œFor many of you, silence will be your greatest struggle. It is just one of the ways we use to empty out all the clutter in our minds. Silence allows God to fill our heads with His thoughts. Grand Silence begins shortly after dinner at seven-thirty. You are not to speak until the next morning. All of this will be further explained in due course. Now follow me.”
    Sister Mary Louise led them into the chapel for the short ceremony in which they were officially welcomed as postulants into the motherhouse. After that, they were taken back to the dormitory.
    Sister Mary Louise stood in front of them. “I know that most of you are feeling confused and a little numb. It’s been a busy day, one that signifies the beginning of an important stage of your lives. You will pray together, eat together and study together. However, you’ll be separated from the professed sisters at all times, except in chapel and during meals and Sunday evening recreation.”
    Angie’s head was swimming. There seemed to be so much to remember.
    â€œIn the morning the alarm rings at four-forty-five. As soon as you hear the bell, you will rise and immediately kneel beside your bed and recite the Our Father. You are to remain silent from the time you hear the bell until after Mass. The bell indicates silence and offers each of us the opportunity for a short daily retreat as we lovingly prepare for Mass.”
    All Angie heard was the ungodly hour at which the alarm rang. Everything after that was a blur. Four-forty-five in the morning. But, Angie reminded herself, this time set aside for prayer was the very reason she’d entered the convent. She’d come searching for the way to serve God to the fullest.
    â€œFollowing chapel and breakfast, you will start your first classes.” Angie nodded eagerly; she’d always enjoyed school and these would be the most vital lessons of her entire life.
    That night, Angie slipped into the long flannel gown the convent provided and crawled between the coarse sheets of her bed.
    The classes that first day were full of valuable information, some of it familiar, some brand-new. Angie took careful notes.
    â€œThe history of our order gives us a rich legacy,” Sister Mary Louise said, “thanks to the woman who founded St. Bridget’s Sisters of the Assumption. I know many of you have already heard the story of Fionnuala Wheaton.”
    Angie had read about the life of this wonderful Irishwoman before she was accepted into the convent.
    â€œWhat can you tell me about her?” Sister asked.
    The room was silent, and then Karen tentatively raised her hand. “I know she was married to an English landowner.”
    â€œShe was widowed at an early age,” Angie added.
    â€œThat’s correct,” Sister said, smiling appreciatively in Karen and Angie’s direction. “Fionnuala and William had a good marriage. They were devoted to each other.”
    â€œShe was disappointed that they’d never had children,” another postulant said.
    â€œYes, but we know this was all part of God’s plan. God had other things in mind for our founder.”
    Angie was beginning to understand that God’s ways were not those of the

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