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Book: Crime by Sofia Cruz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sofia Cruz

"Oh, come one. Pleeeeese? Listen, if you stand near the fence on this side, I can dance right on the other side, right near the entrance to the dance floor. That way, if something happens, all you have to do is reach around the edge of the fence and I'll be right there. Pleeeeese," Jessica begged like a little kid. Melanie and Lisa exchanged a look.

"She seems to have thought this through," Lisa said, her eyes going back and forth between Jessica and Melanie.

"She always does," Melanie said with a sigh. She looked up and studied the woman standing in front of her. Jessica was giving her that pleading look with her eyes, her full, red lips in a little pout. She was wearing a black bustier and skin hugging leather pants. "One song, Jessica, then your ass is right back in that chair. For the night," she added.

Having won again, Jessica just gave Melanie one of her gleeful little smiles and reached out to take Melanie's hand. Melanie let Jessica lead her to the dance floor. She stopped at the edge of the fence and pointed to the spot of dance floor right in front of her, on the other side of the fence. Jessica waved a hand at the DJ and nodded her head yes.

"What the hell is she up to," Melanie wondered. Suddenly, she heard the first few strains of Luscious Jackson's "Under Your Skin". The little brat had gone through her things! This was one of the songs on the CD she had burned and brought with her, the one that she was playing this morning. Her eyes narrowed on Jessica, who just gave her a sassy grin and started swaying to the music.

It didn't take long before Melanie realized that Jessica was dancing for her, and she felt her blood begin to thicken, her heart pound. She was fascinated, even while that little voice in her head kept screaming that she should be watching the crowd, not drooling over Jessica. She just couldn't take her eyes off of her. Melanie tried to swallow the lump in her throat as Jessica's lithe body swayed seductively to the music.

Finally, it was over. Jessica stepped around the edge of the fencing, keeping her promise to go back to their table after one dance. Melanie grabbed Jessica's arm, a little more forcefully than she would have normally, and held Jessica to her side as she escorted her back to her chair.

Melanie took her own seat, she and Jessica staring at each other across the table. Melanie never noticed the glare they were receiving from Felicia.

About an hour later, the waitress was bringing a second round of tequila shots, when Jessica reached over and laid her hand on Melanie's arm.

"Take me home, cher, please." At first, Melanie thought it was a come on, then she saw the sick look on Jessica's face. Figuring Jessica really didn't feel well; Melanie nodded her head in agreement, and walked around to help Jessica out of her chair.

They said goodbye to everyone, Jessica explaining to them that she didn't feel good, and headed for the parking lot. They stopped beside Jessica's car.

"Why don't you give me the keys and I'll drive home," Melanie suggested, but Jessica just laughed and shook her head no. "I thought you were sick, angel," Melanie said, getting suspicious of Jessica's sudden recovery.

"No. I just couldn't take any more of Felicia's evil eye. It was putting a damper on things."

Melanie was surprised. She hadn't noticed anything. Then she quickly pushed thoughts of Felicia aside and gave Jessica a sly grin.

"Well, we should still make it look good. You know, just in case anyone is standing around out front, watching." Again, she motioned for the keys.

Jessica fished the keys out of her purse and dangled them in front of Melanie's face. Melanie had been dying to drive her car, ever since she had pulled it out of the garage this morning. Jessica had chosen to drive her classic today. It was a 1964 ½ Ford Mustang Convertible, painted candy apple red. Melanie's jaw had hit the ground when Jessica eased the car out of the garage this morning. She'd

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