Love of a Lifetime

Free Love of a Lifetime by Emma Delaney

Book: Love of a Lifetime by Emma Delaney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Delaney
to return to Abby’s house.
    That in itself irked him beyond description.  There was no reason for her to leave their home.  Home is where she belonged and it was high time she realized that.  He was at a loss as how to make her see reason.  He has already done everything within reason to convince her that their marriage was just as strong as ever.
    Frowning, he moved to knock a third time when the door swung open and the most beautiful of goddesses greeted him.  Stunning…no that was too weak a word.  The vision before him literally stole the breath from his lungs.
    Her red hair was set in large curls and swept up in what he was sure was a fashionable style among the women.  All he cared about was that it showed off the elegant curve of her jaw and sleek line of her neck.
    Her dress was the color of emeralds and plunged into a deep V neck line, showing off way more cleavage than was appropriate.  He didn’t care. Let her show off her assets.  She was his, they both knew it, and soon everyone else would know it without a doubt as well.
    At the base of the V, beads and sequence were sewn about in an elegant floral pattern that spanned her waist.  The skirt clung to her form and pooled in satiny waves at her feet.  The entire ensemble was sexy and classy and begged a man to imagine the bounty underneath it.
    Bill knew what bounty was underneath all that satin and his hands itched to sweep that sassy skirt up to her waist so he could drown himself in her honey.  His mouth watered for a taste and it took all his strength not to give in to his urges and ravish her right here where they stand.
    Carla gasped at the possessiveness her husband fixed on her.  Eyes alight with fire, the look he gave her singed her wherever his gaze landed.  His slow perusal was torture and left her feeling overly warm and slightly breathless.
    No man had ever made her feel as beautiful and sensual as her husband.  There simply was no competition.  She had turned to putty in his hands on their first date and she knew he would be the only man for her.
    As if he knew her thoughts, a smug grin spread across his face.  Carla couldn’t stop the girlish sigh that passed her lips.  He was so handsome and he just kept getting more so with age.  Long gone was the young kid she fell in love with in college and in his place was the man she had pledged to love and honor for the rest of her life.
    “You keep undressing me with your eyes like that and I will hold you personally responsible for our absence tonight.”
    Carla laughed.  “I believe it was you who was sexing me up visually.”
    “I’ll sex you up.”  He growled in response.  “As gorgeous as you look all dolled up I can’t help but think about how much better you look in just your skin.”
    Bill watched as Carla’s eyes darkened with arousal.  He could swear he smelled her pussy dampen as his words slid over her.  There was nothing more satisfying as her body’s natural respond to him.  Every touch, every reaction was genuine.
    His smile was pure sin now.  Yes, he was a lucky man indeed.
    “Of course, not even your beauty can compete with mine.”
    Carla’s eyes widened before she balled her fist and thumped him the chest.  They both laughed as the sexual tension abated.  It was a good thing too.  Carla wasn’t so sure she could contain herself much longer.
    “You’re a nincompoop.”  She laughed. 
    Her laugh drew his attention to painted lips.  Damn, he loved her mouth.  So sweet she was, and her lips were plump and ripe.  Because he couldn’t help himself, he lowered his head and stole a kiss. 
    Yes, definitely sweet.  He moaned as her tongue stroked over his.  Her mouth was sheer heaven.  All it ever took to put his world to rights was her smile and when she kissed him he forgot everything but her.
    Groaning, he lifted his mouth from hers.  “Enough or we will never make it to the Community Center.”
    Placing her hand on his arm, Bill

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