A Kiss of Revenge (Entangled Ignite)

Free A Kiss of Revenge (Entangled Ignite) by Natalie Damschroder

Book: A Kiss of Revenge (Entangled Ignite) by Natalie Damschroder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Damschroder
when she didn’t ask any questions about the how , only the what . He was asked questions about tingling, paralysis, vision, hearing, speech, and even symptoms related to his heart. Then they were sent to wait for another nurse to call them back.
    “Do you want some water?” Reese asked him once they were settled in the waiting room. She felt jittery and needed to move, but also to help.
    “Sounds good.” Griff’s eyelids drooped.
    “Be right back.” She hurried over to a water cooler on the other side of the room and filled a couple of cups. He was still awake when she returned to his side, and even though the nurse hadn’t said so, she felt it was a bad idea to let him fall asleep. She cast about for a safe topic, and for some reason landed on Brian.
    “I didn’t tell you about the surgery.” She launched into an explanation of the neurosurgery and stimulator and what it could mean for her husband and, by extension, her marriage. When she finished, Griff studied her with a small smile and a sad look in his eyes.
    “Griffin Chase?” called a man from the doorway.
    They rose and crossed the tile floor to him. He watched the way Griff walked and asked, “You okay, or should I get a wheelchair?”
    “I’m okay.” He proved it by straightening up and walking normally through the wide automatic doors. The guy took them to a curtained cubicle and asked more questions, then left them with a gown and said the doctor would be with them shortly.
    “I’ll step out so you can change,” Reese told Griff.
    “Hey, wait.” He caught her fingers and gave her a steady look. “I’m glad for you guys, about Brian’s surgery. And I’m sorry for what happened back there.”
    She shook her head. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I can’t believe I did that to you. I—”
    “ Shh .” He touched her mouth for a second, but it was long enough to jolt her. Not the way she’d jolted him, but with a connection, a reality she wasn’t prepared for.
    “When’s the surgery?”
    “Soon. They don’t have a date yet. But after that, it could take months, even years before we know what the outcome will be.”
    He smiled. “I can wait.”
    Her breath caught at the promise. She didn’t deserve that. She couldn’t allow it. But would rejecting it lose her everything?
    She backed away. “I’d better let you get changed before the doctor shows up.” She whipped the curtain around her, and came face to face with Andrew Laine. Shit .
    He watched as she made sure the curtain was fully closed. “Are you okay?” he asked her.
    “Me? Yes.” She walked toward the waiting room, needing to get Andrew away from Griff before he heard the circumstances of his injury and also not wanting Griff to overhear her conversation with the chief, who was certain to ask her questions she would prefer not to answer at all. “A friend was hurt at the park.”
    “Anyone I know?” They exited into the waiting area, and she bent to get a drink from the fountain.
    She straightened and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “No, a friend from out of town. He’s okay, it’s minor.” She hoped . “What are you doing here?”
    He aimed a thumb upward. “Complicated psych admission. Security needed backup.” He cleared his throat. “I couldn’t help overhear as I was passing by.”
    Yeah, passing by her ass. He’d been standing there as if waiting for her when she opened that curtain. She said nothing.
    “Brian’s your husband? The one you said is unresponsive?”
    As if she could have more than one at a time. The truth wasn’t much more bizarre, so she kept her snark to herself. “Yes.”
    “There’s a chance he could recover?”
    He didn’t seem fazed by her uncommunicativeness. “Good. I’m happy for you both.” He glanced back at the doors. She followed his gaze and spotted a white-coated man entering Griff’s cubicle.
    “I should let you get back to your friend. How long is he staying?”
    “I don’t

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