How to Land Her Lawman

Free How to Land Her Lawman by Teresa Southwick

Book: How to Land Her Lawman by Teresa Southwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Southwick
couldn’t help just the tiniest bit of envy that crept in. She’d fallen in love once upon a time. But a happy ending? Not so much.
    Maggie snapped out of it and looked at her. “You’re meeting Kim Fletcher, right? She’s already here. That table back in the far corner.”
    April spotted her friend who gave her a wave. “Thanks, Maggie. And let me know about that wedding date.”
    â€œWill do.”
    She picked her way through the full tables, then sat down across from her friend. “Hi.”
    â€œHey, kiddo. Glad you could meet me.”
    â€œYou said it was important. Is your dad okay?”
    â€œThe doctor says he’s doing great.”
    â€œWill told me.” She remembered the look on his face when he’d relayed what the doctor had said. There was something going on with him and his dad, but he’d changed the subject. Still, that had been a couple days ago. “Has there been a setback in Hank’s recovery?”
    â€œNot if he knows what’s good for him,” Kim said fiercely. “And I make sure he does.”
    â€œNo kidding. You’re bossy in the best possible way.”
    â€œThat’s what Luke says.”
    April hoped there wasn’t a hiccup in the relationship and that was the reason for this meeting. “How is your guy?”
    â€œMy guy,” her friend said dreamily. “Makes me want to burst into song. But don’t worry. I know my limitations. No one wants to hear that.”
    â€œI think you have a lovely voice,” April said loyally.
    â€œThat’s why I love you.” Kim turned serious. “And speaking of love...”
    â€œOh, God. Who else is engaged?” Not that April didn’t like a romance as much as the next person, but this town was swimming in it.
    â€œWhat does that mean?”
    â€œLet me recap.” April held up her fingers to count off the couples. “You and Luke. Maggie and Sloan, who just asked me to take pictures at their wedding. His cousin Burke and Sydney McKnight. Her father, Tom, married the mayor. Then there’s Cabot Dixon and Katrina Scott, the runaway bride. They’re all recently married or engaged. It’s an epidemic. Or something in the water.”
    No, scratch the last one. If that were the case, April wouldn’t feel like a slacker.
    â€œDon’t worry, sweetie. Your time will come. The biggest problem you’ll have is who’s going to take pictures at your wedding since you won’t be able to do it yourself, what with being the bride and all.”
    â€œYou don’t have to say that, Kim. I don’t need a man in order to be fulfilled.” That was true, but she’d loved being in love. “I have my business. In fact I’m thinking of hiring someone part-time.”
    â€œThat’s wonderful. But you don’t have to choose between the two. A woman can have a career and a relationship.”
    April had no doubt that was true except she’d all but given up hope of having both in her life. And that was okay. She’d gone along with this plan in order to have closure. “You didn’t call me here for a pep talk. What’s up?”
    â€œI’m pretty sure my brother is going to ask you out.” Kim waited for a reaction and when one wasn’t forthcoming, she looked a little disappointed. “I expected a screech. A smile. Something.”
    April’s heart skipped and stuttered, but the other woman couldn’t see that. “How do you know this?”
    Before Kim could answer, their waitress appeared. “Welcome to the Harvest Café. What can I get for you ladies?”
    â€œWe’re kind of in a hurry. I really hate to do that to you,” Kim said. “But I have appointments and April has to get back to work. So, I’d like an iced tea and the cranberry Cobb salad.”
    â€œMake it two.” April handed over her menu.
    â€œComing right

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