Grave Decisions (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 7)

Free Grave Decisions (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 7) by Lily Harper Hart

Book: Grave Decisions (A Maddie Graves Mystery Book 7) by Lily Harper Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harper Hart
Maddie was in love with you from middle school on. You adored her like a friend, but you didn’t bother noticing her as a woman until she blossomed over that one summer and all of your friends started ogling her. It was only then that you realized you were in love with her.”
    “That was stupidity and I would’ve gotten over it eventually,” Nick argued. “I always loved her.”
    “You did,” John said, nodding. “You didn’t fall in love with her until you realized she was hot, though.”
    “I can’t even look at you,” Nick muttered, raising his eyes when the bell over the front door jangled to allow Maddie entrance. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw her festive skirt and billowy top. The scarf made her look cuter than should be allowed by law, too. “There’s the love of my life.”
    “Hey, Maddie,” John said, wiping the sides of his mouth with a napkin. “We were just talking about you. I’ve decided Nick doesn’t deserve you so you should run away with me. How does that sound?”
    “She would never run away with the likes of you,” Nick scoffed. “She’s my girl. She’ll always be my girl. You’re barely an annoyance to her. Tell him I’m right, Mad.”
    Even though he was oblivious to the look on Maddie’s face when she walked through the front door, something about the way she said his name made Nick snap to attention. “What’s wrong, Mad?” He got to his feet and opened his arms as Maddie stepped into them. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
    John and Kreskin exchanged a worried look, both discarding the humorous conversation from before and waiting for Maddie to tell Nick what happened.
    “Cooper came to my tent,” Maddie said, choosing her words carefully.
    “Did he touch you?” Nick asked. “I’ll kill him if he did.”
    “I’ll help,” John said.
    “He wasn’t there for that,” Maddie said. “He was … um … I’m not sure how to explain this.”
    “Take your time, Mad,” Nick prodded, rubbing the back of her head. “It’s okay.”
    “He had a bunch of people with him – including Marla and Cassidy – and he made a big deal of announcing that he wanted us to join forces to solve the murder,” Maddie said, causing Nick to scowl. “He said we had a better chance than you of solving it. He said he heard through the grapevine I was really psychic.”
    Nick cast a helpless look in Kreskin’s direction. Kreskin was aware of Maddie’s abilities, but Nick always lied and pushed him away when he asked questions. John knew, too, but Nick wasn’t worried about him badgering Maddie – well, at least not about this. The food was another matter entirely.
    “What did you say, Maddie?” Kreskin asked, his expression unreadable.
    “I told him I didn’t believe he was psychic and wanted nothing to do with him,” Maddie replied. “He kept making a scene and saying really ridiculous stuff about hearts and minds joining so I pushed my way out of the tent and he kept following me.”
    Nick growled. “I hate this guy. What is the matter with him?”
    “He’s a fraud and he gets people to believe him by putting on a big show and casting aspersions on others,” Kreskin said, not missing a beat. “That’s not what has you upset, though, is it?”
    Maddie bit her lip and shook her head. “How did you know?”
    “Because you may be sensitive, but you’re not usually prone to hysterics because someone called you out in front of a crowd,” Kreskin replied. “What else happened?”
    Maddie glanced at Nick, unsure. “I don’t know if I should tell.”
    “You came here for a reason, Maddie,” Kreskin pressed. “Why don’t you try me on for size and if you feel uncomfortable, I’m sure Nick will beat me to a pulp to defend your honor.”
    Despite the serious nature of the situation, Maddie couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re a funny guy.”
    “My wife says that every time I take my clothes off,” Kreskin deadpanned. “Just … tell

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