Holding Out For Skye

Free Holding Out For Skye by S.R. McKade

Book: Holding Out For Skye by S.R. McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.R. McKade
and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t know what to expect now that their relationship had changed—changed into something she had no experience with, no guidelines. She didn’t really know how to act around a guy like him.
    “Out with it. I can hear your thoughts going round and round, trying to figure things out.”
    Skye scowled. That was another thing. How the hell did he know she was worrying?
    “C’mon. I know you’ve got something on your mind.”
    “I was just wondering where… . where do we go from here?”
    “To the office, where else,” he pointed out with feigned innocence.
    Skye gritted her teeth and tried to tug her hand out of his.
    “All right, all right, don’t blow a fuse.” His tone became serious. “Where do you want to go from here?”
    This situation was so unreal. Skye sneaked another look at him. Bit her lip again. Should she tell him or not?
    Cian frowned. “What is it, Skye? I think we should decide right here not to hold back anything and be honest, okay?”
    That felt right. Yes, a relationship was based on truth. And trust. And he needed to know.
    “It’s just… I don’t know what to expect since I—I, uh, I’ve never gone out with anyone before,” she said in a speedy rush as if it would attract less attraction that way.
    He stopped short. Turned those glittering gray eyes towards her. Searched her face. Then he understood just what she was trying to tell him. Not anyone like him . She meant not with any guy at all . That meant… she’d never had a boyfriend before .
    “Not even in school? College?” When she shook her head, he went on, “What about at your previous work place?”
    “Too much of a hassle.”
    Cian should have known. Of course in her book, having a relationship with someone translated into too much trouble. Wait a minute… that meant that their kiss earlier had been her first kiss ? So that meant… He looked at her, stunned. “You’ve never—”
    “No,” she interjected briskly, understanding what he was getting at. “Geez, what’s the BFD?”
    God, this was so embarrassing. In high school and college, then later in her previous job, no guy had really paid much attention to her and that had been just fine with Skye. Her life so far had been all about making sure she had enough money to survive.
    She made as if to walk away but he tugged at her hand and pulled her in his arms. Her breath hitched at his reaction. It felt strange and wonderful at the same time. He was so much taller than her, his body dwarfed hers.
    Her heart sped up as he hugged her tightly. She felt a warmth steal over her whole being. So this was how it felt to be embraced by a boyfriend. Skye had never been comfortable with being touched. Tyler, Crystal and Kiera were the only ones who didn’t let that stop them from hugging her.
    “It is a big deal.” His voice was husky, tugging at her heartstrings. He rubbed his chin against her hair. “Thank you for letting me be the first.” And he would damn well make sure he was the last.
    Oh, god, his words were so embarrassing! “Cian, let go,” she hissed. “People are staring.” If she wasn’t comfortable being touched, she definitely wasn’t comfortable being touched in public .
    “Let them.” Cian understood now why she always got embarrassed at his teasing innuendos. He also realized he would need to take it slow with her.
    “Cian, let me go,” she reiterated.
    “I like staying like this.”
    “ Cian! ”
    “Fine. But we better talk about stuff.” He finally pulled away but retained hold of her hand.
    “What stuff?” she muttered as they resumed walking.
    “Some ground rules of dating.”
    “There are rules to dating?”
    Cian gave her a pitying look. “Such a novice. I have my work cut out for me.” He laughed when she tried to hit him with her free hand. “No need to get violent. What about the tons of romance books you’ve read?” he wondered curiously.
    She was a total novel

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