PsyCop 3: Body and Soul

Free PsyCop 3: Body and Soul by Jordan Castillo Price

Book: PsyCop 3: Body and Soul by Jordan Castillo Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Castillo Price
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And even if you weren't, I'm not gonna score for you. I'm a cop."
    "You so full of shit. You ain't no cop neither."
    "Would I be wearing this fucking suit if I wasn't a cop?"
    "I don't know. I always thought you sold cars or somethin'."
    I tucked my chin toward my chest and stomped toward my gate. Jackie couldn't help me. And how dare she call me a used car salesman? I wasn't always a dork in a blazer. Once upon a time I was actually cool. Until the Cook County Mental Heath Center, anyway. After that, I guess I kinda stopped caring.
    "Mmm, mm. Now there's a fine piece o' man."
    I looked up and saw Jacob approaching the courtyard gate from the other end of the block. He wore a black leather jacket, black boots, and slim jeans, and he carried our laundry from the cleaner's in a sack as big as a body bag, holding it with such ease that he made it look like it weighed as much as the milagro. "That's my boyfriend," I snapped.
    He stopped in front of me and raised an eyebrow. The corner of his mouth twitched. He loved it when he caught me talking when no one else was around, probably because he knew I'd never be so desperate as to talk to myself.
    "Nuh-uh, he ain't no homo. Is he?"
    "Tell me you saw a really great house today," I said to Jacob through clenched teeth.
    "The one in Rogers Park had possibilities," he said, opening the gate for me even though he was the one carrying fifty pounds of laundry and I was empty handed.
    "Did you happen to see my winter coat?"
    "It's upstairs. They replaced the buttons at the laundry last month. One was missing, one had a chip out of it, and two were hanging off by threads."
    I felt Jackie, her spirit-cold vaguely different from the nighttime winter chill, as she skittered along beside me and talked about how Jacob looked like he should be on T.V., wondered what he was doing with someone as raggedy as me, and speculated that she gave a better blowjob than I did.
    Jacob and I crowded into the vestibule together, and I felt his breath hot on the back of my neck as he nuzzled at me while I jammed my key into the stairwell lock. My scalp prickled, and the thought of Jacob flinging me down on the stairs and having his way with me was starting to look good.
    "I can still hear her," I sighed, rattling my key until the lock surrendered.
    "Uh huh."
    Jacob followed me closely up the three flights of stairs.
    Jacob's big into closeness. I was out of breath when we got to the third floor landing. He wasn't. "I think I want to live on the first floor when we move," I said. It occurred to me that walking up to my apartment was the only exercise I ever got.
    Oh well. I'd get a treadmill or something.
    He dropped the laundry, mashed me into the wall beside my apartment door, and covered my mouth with his before I could even sort the keys out. He had me by the shoulders, kneading them through my blazer while his tongue worked its magic. He kissed me deep as he pressed his whole body against me like he could make me one with the wall. My cock thought that was a fine idea and perked right up. I was sure he could feel it swelling against the top of his thigh; I could feel quite plainly through his jeans that he was already hard.
    I reached around Jacob and grabbed his ass with both hands, encouraging him to rub against me. He groaned deep down in his throat and sucked my lower lip into his mouth.
    His hips moved, stroking his cock against my hip, and I pulled him against me harder, getting into the feel of his thick slab of meat grinding against me as he humped my thigh.
    My fingers slipped lower, caressing the backside of his balls through his jeans. He broke our kiss to gasp, and I seized on the opportunity to blow his mind. "I want to suck you off. Right here."
    If I've ever seen my across-the-hall neighbor, I don't remember him. Or her. But I'm pretty sure I have one.
    Sometimes I hear the ten o'clock news, or some hits from the seventies playing on a stereo. Whoever lived there, it wasn't very

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