Unholy Blue

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Book: Unholy Blue by Darby Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darby Kaye
and Ann listened without interruption, with an occasional knowing look between them, until she finished.
    â€œSince we’ll have most of the clan assembled at the party,” Ann said, “we’ll wait and discuss strategy in the event that Weston Tully decides to escalate this further.”
    â€œAre you talking about…
clan warfare
?” Shay looked from aunt to uncle.
    Hugh nodded. “Of course, that would likely depend on whether—” he paused, glancing across the greatroom at Cor sprawled on the sofa, then lowered his voice “—on whether Cernunnos attacks another Tully.”
    Guilt souring the food in his belly, Bann shook his head. “I cannot let that happen. It is because of me that your clan is in danger from—”
    â€œHi. My name is Bann.” Shay interrupted him.
    â€œHi, Bann,” Hugh and Ann murmured, right on cue.
    â€œAnd it’s been an hour since I last tried to take the blame for something beyond my control,” Shay finished.
    Bann laughed, despite the worry beating black wings in his chest. “I see now why the mortals who share the Doyle name chose ‘Fortitudine Vincit’ as their motto.”
    â€œWhy, would you look at the man—a scholar he is, what with the Latin and all,” Hugh said with a grin. “And just where did you come by that obscure bit of information?”
    â€œWhy, James, of course.”
    Ann patted his hand. “You’re going to fit in
well with our family. But, for now, we’ve a betrothal celebration to start preparing for. After all, we must keep our priorities straight. I’m thinking a pig roast and some piñatas for the children, as well as—”
    Hugh leaned over and whispered something in Ann’s ear. “Really, Hugh?” She gave him a look. “That’s all you think about.”
    â€œWhy, ’tis not true, wife,” Hugh said. “Sometimes, I think about beer.” He turned to Bann. “Say, can we borrow Cor to aid us in picking out the piñatas? That is, if the two of you can stand the thought of an empty house for an hour or so.” He waggled his eyebrows up and down, elbowing Bann in the ribs.
    Five minutes later, Cor was bouncing along between Hugh and Ann as they walked down the driveway to their car, talking a mile a minute about a birthday party he had once attended and how he was now an expert on piñata whacking. Bann stood in the open doorway, arm around Shay’s waist, and watched as they drove away with a honk and a wave. They waited until the vehicle turned the corner and disappeared out of the cul-de-sac, then glanced at each other.
    â€œWell, here we are,” Shay said. “All alone.”
    â€œAye. All alone.”
    â€œWhatever shall we do?”
    â€œI’ve an idea.” Bann drew her inside the house and locked the door behind him.
    â€œWhich is?”
    â€œWhy, a bit of ‘round the house and mind the dresser.’” With a fluid move, he scooped her up in his arms. The old expression made him grin, as did Shay’s squeal of delight.
    Clinging tightly to his neck, she spoke. “I always wondered what it’d be like to be swept off my feet and carried away for some hot sex. Ooh, wait! Better yet, hot
make up after a fight
hot sex.”
    â€œNow, you will know.” He headed down the hallway, pausing halfway there to hoist her higher.
    â€œAlthough, technically, we haven’t gotten to the hot sex part yet,” she pointed out.
    â€œJeez, I’m working on it.” Nudging the door aside with an elbow, he walked over to their bed, then tossed her on it.
    Shay hooted with laughter. “Last one naked loses.” She stretched out flat and unzipped her jeans while Bann yanked his shirt over his head.
    In the end, it was a tie.

    W ITH A GASP , B ANN slumped back on the pillow, his pulse humming a reel in his ears and temples. Shay sprawled naked on his

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