Unholy Blue

Free Unholy Blue by Darby Kaye

Book: Unholy Blue by Darby Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darby Kaye
back down. “I’ll answer it. Enjoy your meal.” As he walked across the great room to the front door, he found himself wishing for Max’s sharp ears and nose.
We really should get another dog. It might help Cor move past the horror of Max’s return from the dead
. Even knowing the wards protected the entire property, Bann tensed until he spied Ann through the window, waiting on the porch. He opened the door. Beyond her, Hugh was standing by the truck, one hand shading his eyes as he peered inside the driver’s-side window.
.” Bann stood aside as she entered. “Care to join us for luncheon?”
    â€œWe’ve eaten already, thank you. Hugh?” She turned and called to her husband. “Come along. You can play with Bann’s new toy later.”
    â€œLet me take your coat.” As he draped it across the entryway table, she headed for the kitchen. A moment later, Hugh came bounding up the steps, a grin flashing white in his red beard.
    â€œI see you’ve a new vehicle, Bannerman Boru.” Hugh’s eyes twinkled, clearly in on the surprise, as they followed Ann. “A gift from Shay?”
    â€œIt was.”
    â€œAre you keeping it?”
    â€œI am.”
    â€œDid it hurt to admit defeat?”
    â€œIt did. And I’ll thank you to drop the subject, Hugh Doyle.” The other Knight slapped him on the back with a laugh as they stepped into the kitchen.
    â€œOh, Shay!” A sudden exclamation of joy burst from Ann.
    The two women stood by the sink, Ann looking down at Shay’s left hand. With another cry, she flung her arms around the younger woman, who hugged her back just as hard. After a moment, they pulled apart, beaming at each other.
    â€œWhen?” Ann asked.
    â€œJust last night,” Shay said, her face aglow. “We were going to swing by and tell you two the good news this afternoon. But then Tully showed up…”
    â€œWhat good news?” Hugh looked at Bann in confusion.
    â€œShay and I are betrothed.”
    â€œThat means they’re getting married,” Cor piped up from the table, where he was furtively putting the rest of his fruit slices back on the serving platter.
    â€œLass!” With a shout, Hugh swept Shay into a bear hug, lifting her from the floor and twirling her around.
    Meanwhile, Ann made a beeline for Bann and took his hands in hers. “You know how much Hugh and I wanted this for you. For all of you,” she added, with a nod toward Cor, who was making his way over to his father. “Shay is so fortunate.”
    â€œNo, Annwen Doyle. Cor and I are the lucky ones in all this.” Slipping a hand free, he pulled Cor to his side.
    â€œWell, I think this news demands a party. Next Saturday. One o’clock. Our place. We’ll spread the word to the rest of the clan.”
    â€œMight it be on Sunday, instead?” Bann ruffled his son’s hair. “Next Saturday is Cor’s birthday and we’ve not made any plans yet.”
    â€œSay no more. Sunday is just as easy.” Ann smiled down at Cor. “After all, you only have a birthday once a year. It should be special.” She spoke to Shay, who was still talking with Hugh. “Shay, call your mother and your brother and let them know they’ll stay with us.”
    Bann’s heart did a stutter-step at the thought of meeting Isobel Doyle, especially after Shay had confided her mother’s less than enthusiastic reaction.
I don’t know what’s worse—dealing with the threat from the Tully clan or meeting my future mother-by-law
    After shooing Cor off to watch television, Ann and Hugh took seats at the kitchen table. While Shay poured coffee for everyone, Bann cleared the remains of lunch and stacked the dishes in the sink. Hugh snagged a pear slice from the platter; it disappeared in a crunch and a swallow. Once they were all gathered, Shay explained what had happened. Hugh

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